Seychelles Plant Gallery - Native species
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Abbreviations: end = endemic; ind = indigenous; exo = exotic; LC = Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically endangered
ImageID: 12161, RecordID: 14673, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha Coromandel grass, Herbe mange tout, Lerb manztou, Mange tout, Manztou Acanthaceae (ind)
ImageID: 12163, RecordID: 14673, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha Coromandel grass, Herbe mange tout, Lerb manztou, Mange tout, Manztou Acanthaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23419, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Avicennia marina Manglier blanc Acanthaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23421, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Avicennia marina Manglier blanc Acanthaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11458, RecordID: , observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Avicennia marina Manglier blanc Acanthaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26944, RecordID: 20062, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile du Port Avicennia marina Manglier blanc Acanthaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11862, RecordID: 2512, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra, Camp Gionnet Hypoestes aldabrensis
Acanthaceae (end)
ImageID: 11863, RecordID: 2512, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra, Camp Gionnet Hypoestes aldabrensis
Acanthaceae (end)
ImageID: 24997, RecordID: 2129, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 24998, RecordID: 2129, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52551, RecordID: 21985, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52554, RecordID: 21985, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 11870, RecordID: 2592, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 11872, RecordID: 2593, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Ruellia monanthos
Acanthaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21821, RecordID: 2558, specimen Author: Frazier, J. Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Sesuvium portulacastrum Pourpier Aizoaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21834, RecordID: 2667, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Grande Terre Deeringia spicata
Amaranthaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11822, RecordID: 2668, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Grande Terre Lagrezia oligomeroides
Amaranthaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30274, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Campnosperma seychellarum Bois de montagne, Capucin blanc?, Colophante? Anacardiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 8685, RecordID: 2290, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Campnosperma seychellarum Bois de montagne, Capucin blanc?, Colophante? Anacardiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22598, RecordID: 14936, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Mont Le Niol (= Mont Simpson) Campnosperma seychellarum Bois de montagne, Capucin blanc?, Colophante? Anacardiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 21836, RecordID: 2684, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Poupartia gummifera Bois golan Anacardiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30271, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30272, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30273, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1771, RecordID: 11895, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 92, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 94, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6837, RecordID: 737, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 11690, RecordID: 14599, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Aphloia theiformis subsp. madagascariensis var. seychellensis Bois merle, Bwa merl Aphloiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 24959, RecordID: 17890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Carissa spinarum Bois l'encens, Bois sandal, Sandal Apocynaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 24961, RecordID: 17890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Carissa spinarum Bois l'encens, Bois sandal, Sandal Apocynaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52925, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cerbera manghas Tanghin, Tanghin poison Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52927, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cerbera manghas Tanghin, Tanghin poison Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11819, RecordID: 2728, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Silhouette, Coco Dans Trou Cerbera manghas Tanghin, Tanghin poison Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25051, RecordID: 18026, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe Civine Cerbera manghas Tanghin, Tanghin poison Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26818, RecordID: 19789, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Dan Miska Cerbera manghas Tanghin, Tanghin poison Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11817, RecordID: 2733, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Brillant Cerbera venenifera Ordeal plant, Tanghin Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23893, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53416, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53417, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47700, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23144, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21849, RecordID: 2742, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: D'Arros Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5089, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5094, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Ochrosia oppositifolia Bois chauve souris, Bois chauve-souris, Bois jaune, Bwa sousouri Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21865, RecordID: 2527, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Pleurostelma cernuum Liane caoutchouc Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23886, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Sarcostemma viminale Lalyann sanfey, Liane cale, Liane sans feuilles Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23887, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Sarcostemma viminale Lalyann sanfey, Liane cale, Liane sans feuilles Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53635, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Sarcostemma viminale Lalyann sanfey, Liane cale, Liane sans feuilles Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21867, RecordID: 2534, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Secamone pachystigma
Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21868, RecordID: 2536, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Curieuse Secamone schimperiana
Apocynaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30338, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30339, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53723, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53725, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24446, RecordID: 17568, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24447, RecordID: 17568, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21869, RecordID: 2541, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Tylophora coriacea
Apocynaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25653, RecordID: 19124, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Tylophora coriacea
Apocynaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25654, RecordID: 19124, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Tylophora coriacea
Apocynaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 30297, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30298, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30300, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6584, RecordID: 10971, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Mont Céphale Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 1783, RecordID: 11907, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23326, RecordID: 15398, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26263, RecordID: 19279, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26268, RecordID: 19279, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22622, RecordID: 2346, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22623, RecordID: 2346, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22626, RecordID: 2346, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26255, RecordID: 19276, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26257, RecordID: 19276, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26265, RecordID: 19276, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Polyscias lionnetii Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 21854, RecordID: 2766, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias sechellarum var. contracta Bois banane Araliaceae (end, EX)
ImageID: 21855, RecordID: 2767, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Curieuse Polyscias sechellarum var. curiosae Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27078, RecordID: 20511, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Pointe Caïman Polyscias sechellarum var. curiosae Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27079, RecordID: 20511, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Pointe Caïman Polyscias sechellarum var. curiosae Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27080, RecordID: 20511, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Pointe Caïman Polyscias sechellarum var. curiosae Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27082, RecordID: 20511, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Pointe Caïman Polyscias sechellarum var. curiosae Bois banane Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27099, RecordID: , observed Author: Jessie, Gemma Location: Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27100, RecordID: , observed Author: Jessie, Gemma Location: Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6583, RecordID: , observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11168, RecordID: 13864, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11170, RecordID: 13864, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26853, RecordID: 19825, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Cap Bayard Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27660, RecordID: 20781, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27663, RecordID: 20781, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27664, RecordID: 20781, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Polyscias sechellarum var. sechellarum Bois banane, Bois papaye Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6828, RecordID: 754, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 6614, RecordID: 2089, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 6615, RecordID: 2089, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 8602, RecordID: 2089, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 8603, RecordID: 2089, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25250, RecordID: 18197, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Schefflera procumbens
Araliaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 23871, RecordID: , observed Author: Noël, Wendy Location: Gynura sechellensis Bois chevre, Jacobet marron Asteraceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28873, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Gynura sechellensis Bois chevre, Jacobet marron Asteraceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11581, RecordID: 13950, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Gynura sechellensis Bois chevre, Jacobet marron Asteraceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21917, RecordID: 14749, specimen Author: Frazier, J. Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Launaea sarmentosa
Asteraceae (ind)
ImageID: 21925, RecordID: 3022, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Vernonia colorata subsp. grandis
Asteraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25650, RecordID: 19123, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Impatiens gordonii Balsamine sauvage Balsaminaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25651, RecordID: 19123, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Impatiens gordonii Balsamine sauvage Balsaminaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25652, RecordID: 19123, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Impatiens gordonii Balsamine sauvage Balsaminaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 23866, RecordID: , observed Author: Noël, Wendy Location: Begonia seychellensis Begonia sauvage, Oseille marron Begoniaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5955, RecordID: , observed Author: Bunce, Sarah Location: Begonia seychellensis Begonia sauvage, Oseille marron Begoniaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 3492, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Begonia seychellensis Begonia sauvage, Oseille marron Begoniaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27044, RecordID: 20361, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Begonia seychellensis Begonia sauvage, Oseille marron Begoniaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30277, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Colea seychellarum Bilimbi marron Bignoniaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30276, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Colea seychellarum Bilimbi marron Bignoniaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 355, RecordID: 13187, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Nord Colea seychellarum Bilimbi marron Bignoniaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 23312, RecordID: 15279, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Colea seychellarum Bilimbi marron Bignoniaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25056, RecordID: 18034, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe Civine Colea seychellarum Bilimbi marron Bignoniaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 11106, RecordID: 13847, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Cordia subcordata Porcher Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11978, RecordID: 14647, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Cordia subcordata Porcher Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11979, RecordID: 14647, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Cordia subcordata Porcher Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21883, RecordID: 3256, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Ehretia cymosa
Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21661, RecordID: 14720, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Tournefortia argentea Bois tabac, Tree heliotrope, Veloutier à tabac fleurs Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21662, RecordID: 14720, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Tournefortia argentea Bois tabac, Tree heliotrope, Veloutier à tabac fleurs Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21665, RecordID: 14720, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Tournefortia argentea Bois tabac, Tree heliotrope, Veloutier à tabac fleurs Boraginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6604, RecordID: 10646, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 6608, RecordID: 10646, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25022, RecordID: 17923, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 27397, RecordID: 20585, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 27409, RecordID: 20585, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 27410, RecordID: 20585, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 21884, RecordID: 3262, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Tournefortia puberula Liane mange Boraginaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 23636, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rhipsalis baccifera Cactus, Mistletoe cactus Cactaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53591, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rhipsalis baccifera Mistletoe cactus Cactaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7197, RecordID: 1664, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Cocos Marrons Rhipsalis baccifera Cactus, Mistletoe cactus Cactaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52522, RecordID: 18175, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Rhipsalis baccifera Cactus, Mistletoe cactus Cactaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52526, RecordID: 18175, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Rhipsalis baccifera Cactus, Mistletoe cactus Cactaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21889, RecordID: 3275, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Capparis cartilaginea Bois zanguette Capparaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21885, RecordID: 2942, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Maerua triphylla Bois trois feuilles Capparaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11725, RecordID: 14608, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Casuarina equisetifolia Cedre, Filao, Pin, Sed, Whistling pine Casuarinaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11726, RecordID: 14608, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Casuarina equisetifolia Cedre, Filao, Pin, Sed, Whistling pine Casuarinaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21673, RecordID: 14722, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Casuarina equisetifolia Cedre, Filao, Pin, Sed, Whistling pine Casuarinaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25528, RecordID: 18937, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Brexia madagascariensis subsp. microcarpa Bois cateau Celastraceae (end)
ImageID: 25533, RecordID: 18937, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Brexia madagascariensis subsp. microcarpa Bois cateau Celastraceae (end)
ImageID: 25534, RecordID: 18937, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Brexia madagascariensis subsp. microcarpa Bois cateau Celastraceae (end)
ImageID: 21895, RecordID: 2904, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Maytenus senegalensis
Celastraceae (ind)
ImageID: 21896, RecordID: 2906, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Mystroxylon aethiopicum Bois moset, Ti bane Celastraceae (ind)
ImageID: 24120, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Calophyllum inophyllum Alexandrian laurel, Takamaka Clusiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 542, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Calophyllum inophyllum Alexandrian laurel, Takamaka Clusiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23002, RecordID: 15167, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Calophyllum inophyllum Alexandrian laurel, Takamaka Clusiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53292, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lumnitzera racemosa Manglier à petite feuilles Combretaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 53294, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lumnitzera racemosa Manglier à petite feuilles Combretaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 21901, RecordID: 2615, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Terminalia boivinii Bois faune Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23415, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Terminalia catappa Badamier, Bodanmyen, Indian almond, Indian Almond tree Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24086, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Terminalia catappa Badamier, Bodanmyen, Indian almond, Indian Almond tree Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23356, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Terminalia catappa Badamier, Bodanmyen, Indian almond, Indian Almond tree Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21902, RecordID: 2622, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Terminalia catappa Badamier, Bodanmyen, Indian almond, Indian Almond tree Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11081, RecordID: 13842, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Terminalia catappa Badamier, Bodanmyen, Indian almond, Indian Almond tree Combretaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21936, RecordID: 3041, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Montagne Posée Ipomoea littoralis
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21935, RecordID: 3042, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Fairyland Ipomoea littoralis
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53230, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21938, RecordID: 2647, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, La Retraite (M.) Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11206, RecordID: 13856, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Fairyland Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11208, RecordID: 13856, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Fairyland Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11147, RecordID: 13877, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21659, RecordID: 14719, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23024, RecordID: 15173, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Ipomoea macrantha Convolve?, Patatran blanc Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23132, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Ipomoea mauritiana
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21937, RecordID: 3046, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Ipomoea mauritiana
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21558, RecordID: 14691, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea mauritiana
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21568, RecordID: 14691, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea mauritiana
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21569, RecordID: 14691, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea mauritiana
Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53237, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ipomoea pes-caprae Batata à durand, Batate ronde, Beach morning glory, Patatran rouge Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8482, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ipomoea pes-caprae Batata à durand, Batate ronde, Beach morning glory, Patatran rouge Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8486, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ipomoea pes-caprae Batata à durand, Batate ronde, Beach morning glory, Patatran rouge Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53240, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ipomoea venosa
Convolvulaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 53242, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ipomoea venosa
Convolvulaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 21940, RecordID: 2648, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Cousin Ipomoea venosa
Convolvulaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 25407, RecordID: 18454, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Camp Bloc Ipomoea venosa
Convolvulaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 25527, RecordID: 18909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Ipomoea venosa
Convolvulaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 8427, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Merremia peltata La liane, Lalyann darzan, Liane d‘argent, Liane tortue Convolvulaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21944, RecordID: 3172, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Ile Aride Peponium vogelii Calebasse marron Cucurbitaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 23252, RecordID: 14986, specimen Author: Beaver, Katy Location: Ile Aride, Lodge (Aride) Peponium vogelii Calebasse marron Cucurbitaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 30283, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30284, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 53069, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 23869, RecordID: , observed Author: Noël, Wendy Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6555, RecordID: 11144, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Glacis Sarcelle Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6558, RecordID: 11144, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Glacis Sarcelle Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 478, RecordID: 12481, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 2482, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 2087, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6810, RecordID: 150, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30286, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Diospyros boiviniana Bois sagaye Ebenaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30285, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Diospyros boiviniana Bois sagaye Ebenaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 22292, RecordID: 14885, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Diospyros boiviniana Bois sagaye Ebenaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 22324, RecordID: 14885, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Diospyros boiviniana Bois sagaye Ebenaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 22326, RecordID: 14885, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Diospyros boiviniana Bois sagaye Ebenaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30289, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30290, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30291, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30292, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 3009, RecordID: 11652, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 619, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 22833, RecordID: 14995, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 22840, RecordID: 14995, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 7203, RecordID: 1093, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Cocos Marrons Drypetes riseleyi Bois mare petite feuille Euphorbiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26387, RecordID: 19615, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Drypetes riseleyi Bois mare petite feuille Euphorbiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26392, RecordID: 19615, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Drypetes riseleyi Bois mare petite feuille Euphorbiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30293, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53123, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53124, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8533, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47667, RecordID: 21817, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30294, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30295, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11574, RecordID: 1921, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11575, RecordID: 1921, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11577, RecordID: 1921, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22649, RecordID: 14951, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge extrême Est Excoecaria benthamiana Bois charlot, Bois jasmin rouge Euphorbiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25409, RecordID: 18455, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Camp Bloc Phyllanthus pervilleanus Bois castique, Kastik, Kirganellie Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26742, RecordID: 19721, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Phyllanthus pervilleanus Bois castique, Kastik, Kirganellie Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53807, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Wielandia elegans Bois fourmi, Bwa fourmi Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24668, RecordID: 15729, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Wielandia elegans Bois fourmi, Bwa fourmi Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52682, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52677, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52679, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22915, RecordID: 15017, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25718, RecordID: 18969, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52158, RecordID: 21901, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52159, RecordID: 21901, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52161, RecordID: 21901, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52163, RecordID: 21901, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52164, RecordID: 21901, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 6978, RecordID: 472, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Adenanthera pavonina Agati, Bead tree, Coralwood, Lagati, Red sandalwood Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6979, RecordID: 472, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Adenanthera pavonina Agati, Bead tree, Coralwood, Lagati, Red sandalwood Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11399, RecordID: 13909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Adenanthera pavonina Agati, Bead tree, Coralwood, Lagati, Red sandalwood Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11402, RecordID: 13909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Adenanthera pavonina Agati, Bead tree, Coralwood, Lagati, Red sandalwood Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26805, RecordID: 19758, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Petit Anse (LD.) Caesalpinia bonduc Cadoque Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26807, RecordID: 19758, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Petit Anse (LD.) Caesalpinia bonduc Cadoque Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27622, RecordID: 20697, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Caesalpinia bonduc Cadoque Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27623, RecordID: 20697, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Caesalpinia bonduc Cadoque Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52903, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Canavalia cathartica
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11098, RecordID: 13846, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Canavalia cathartica
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11099, RecordID: 13846, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Canavalia cathartica
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23021, RecordID: 15172, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Canavalia cathartica
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25490, RecordID: 18767, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Anse Songe (Félicité) Dendrolobium umbellatum Gros trèfle Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25491, RecordID: 18767, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Anse Songe (Félicité) Dendrolobium umbellatum Gros trèfle Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24799, RecordID: 17715, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Derris trifoliata Derris, Tuba Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25189, RecordID: 18149, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Intsia bijuga Bwa gayak, Gayac, Moluccan Ironwood Fabaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 53359, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mucuna gigantea Liane cadoque, Liane caiman Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53363, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mucuna gigantea Liane cadoque, Liane caiman Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24566, RecordID: 15529, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Mucuna gigantea Liane cadoque, Liane caiman Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25921, RecordID: 19187, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Mucuna gigantea Liane cadoque, Liane caiman Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11079, RecordID: 13841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Sophora tomentosa Bois chapelet Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53797, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53800, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53803, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24800, RecordID: 17713, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24802, RecordID: 17713, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24803, RecordID: 17713, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24804, RecordID: 17713, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vigna adenantha
Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23027, RecordID: 15174, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Vigna marina Pois marron, Shore bean Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23028, RecordID: 15174, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Vigna marina Pois marron, Shore bean Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 20274, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Scaevola sericea Bois manioc, Veloutier manioc Goodeniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6653, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Scaevola sericea Bois manioc, Veloutier manioc Goodeniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11111, RecordID: 13848, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Hernandia nymphaeifolia Bois blanc, Bwa blan Hernandiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11112, RecordID: 13848, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Hernandia nymphaeifolia Bois blanc, Bwa blan Hernandiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23644, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Apodytes dimidiata Bois marie, Bois none, La fouche petit feuille Icacinaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23645, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Apodytes dimidiata Bois marie, Bois none, La fouche petit feuille Icacinaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6587, RecordID: 10836, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Grisollea thomassetii Bwa gro lapo Icacinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 6976, RecordID: 454, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Grisollea thomassetii Bwa gro lapo Icacinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 6630, RecordID: 10654, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 6631, RecordID: 10654, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25809, RecordID: 18982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25709, RecordID: 18982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25716, RecordID: 18982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 52549, RecordID: 21982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26199, RecordID: 19236, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Cassytha filiformis Dodder, Liane sans fin Lauraceae (ind)
ImageID: 23343, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23342, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23344, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52833, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11148, RecordID: 13876, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52843, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52844, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23294, RecordID: 15219, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25358, RecordID: 18343, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25359, RecordID: 18343, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25363, RecordID: 18343, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25365, RecordID: 18343, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25367, RecordID: 18343, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Barringtonia racemosa Bois mare grand feuille, Bonnet carre de riviere Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 18474, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Sonneratia alba Manglier fleurs Lythraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26948, RecordID: 20353, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sonneratia alba Manglier fleurs Lythraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26949, RecordID: 20353, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sonneratia alba Manglier fleurs Lythraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 53177, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Heritiera littoralis Bois de table, Bwa-d-tab, Looking glass tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21975, RecordID: 14832, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Heritiera littoralis Bois de table, Bwa-d-tab, Looking glass tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52540, RecordID: 21976, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Heritiera littoralis Bois de table, Bwa-d-tab, Looking glass tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23346, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23348, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53191, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53193, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11357, RecordID: 13897, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11358, RecordID: 13897, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11362, RecordID: 13897, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11363, RecordID: 13897, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, Sea hibiscus, Var, Varre Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22819, RecordID: 14994, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Sida cordifolia
Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22821, RecordID: 14994, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Sida cordifolia
Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11055, RecordID: 13839, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Thespesia populnea Bois de rose, Bwa-d-roz, Portia tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11056, RecordID: 13839, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Thespesia populnea Bois de rose, Bwa-d-roz, Portia tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11059, RecordID: 13839, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Thespesia populnea Bois de rose, Bwa-d-roz, Portia tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30307, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30308, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 10422, RecordID: 1898, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 10426, RecordID: 1898, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22303, RecordID: 14889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22307, RecordID: 14889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22312, RecordID: 14889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22320, RecordID: 14889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 22321, RecordID: 14889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30310, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 53326, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 11604, RecordID: 13953, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 22084, RecordID: 14856, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 27864, RecordID: 21110, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 27867, RecordID: 21110, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Melastoma malabathricum Indian rhododendron, Quatouc, Watouc Melastomataceae (ind)
ImageID: 30311, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Memecylon elaeagni Bois calou, Bwa kalou Melastomataceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 53332, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Memecylon elaeagni Bois calou, Bwa kalou Melastomataceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 658, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Memecylon elaeagni Bois calou, Bwa kalou Melastomataceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 27861, RecordID: 21093, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Memecylon elaeagni Bois calou, Bwa kalou Melastomataceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 11040, RecordID: 13836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Xylocarpus moluccensis Manglier pomme Meliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11042, RecordID: 13836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Xylocarpus moluccensis Manglier pomme Meliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27705, RecordID: 20796, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Xylocarpus moluccensis Manglier pomme Meliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27706, RecordID: 20796, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Xylocarpus moluccensis Manglier pomme Meliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27709, RecordID: 20796, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Xylocarpus moluccensis Manglier pomme Meliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21817, RecordID: 2553, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Frégate Glinus oppositifolius
Molluginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21818, RecordID: 2553, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Frégate Glinus oppositifolius
Molluginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22120, RecordID: 14865, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Ficus bojeri
Moraceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 26726, RecordID: 19707, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Ficus bojeri
Moraceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 26824, RecordID: 19800, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Fond Piment Ficus bojeri
Moraceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 26825, RecordID: 19800, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Fond Piment Ficus bojeri
Moraceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 30296, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ficus lutea Afouche grande feuille, Afouche rouge, La fouche grand feuille, Lafouche rouge, Lafous gran fey Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 23044, RecordID: 15175, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Ficus lutea Afouche grande feuille, Afouche rouge, La fouche grand feuille, Lafouche rouge, Lafous gran fey Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 24684, RecordID: 15832, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Ficus lutea Afouche grande feuille, Afouche rouge, La fouche grand feuille, Lafouche rouge, Lafous gran fey Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 26814, RecordID: 19787, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Dan Miska Ficus reflexa subsp. sechellensis Afouche petite feuille Moraceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26888, RecordID: 20003, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Anse Sévère Ficus reflexa subsp. sechellensis Afouche petite feuille Moraceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 47649, RecordID: 21809, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Ficus reflexa subsp. sechellensis Afouche petite feuille Moraceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25101, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ficus rubra Lafouche, Lafouche petite feuille, Multipliant petite feuille Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25514, RecordID: 18888, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Ficus rubra Lafouche, Lafouche petite feuille, Multipliant petite feuille Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25516, RecordID: 18888, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Ficus rubra Lafouche, Lafouche petite feuille, Multipliant petite feuille Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 26882, RecordID: 19999, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Anse Sévère Ficus rubra Lafouche, Lafouche petite feuille, Multipliant petite feuille Moraceae (ind)
ImageID: 8816, RecordID: 2153, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Trilepisium madagascariense
Moraceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 8819, RecordID: 2153, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Trilepisium madagascariense
Moraceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 8823, RecordID: 2153, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Trilepisium madagascariense
Moraceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 25368, RecordID: 18417, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Trilepisium madagascariense
Moraceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 2114, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Rapanea seychellarum Bwa klate Myrsinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 2118, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Rapanea seychellarum Bwa klate Myrsinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27302, RecordID: 20578, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Rapanea seychellarum Bwa klate Myrsinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27305, RecordID: 20578, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Rapanea seychellarum Bwa klate Myrsinaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30337, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 3038, RecordID: 11684, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2479, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 7656, RecordID: 1837, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28103, RecordID: 20767, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Marianne Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28106, RecordID: 20767, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Marianne Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23879, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30314, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 18580, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6715, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6718, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6779, RecordID: 1271, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 47752, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Pisonia grandis Bois mapou, Mapou Nyctaginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47753, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Pisonia grandis Bois mapou, Mapou Nyctaginaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25018, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 8325, RecordID: 2126, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 8328, RecordID: 2126, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25806, RecordID: 18954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25705, RecordID: 18954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 52316, RecordID: 6624, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Aldabra Ochna ciliata Bois bouquet, Bois démon (Mahé), Bois mangu, Bois mangue Ochnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52317, RecordID: 6624, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Aldabra Ochna ciliata Bois bouquet, Bois démon (Mahé), Bois mangu, Bois mangue Ochnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52318, RecordID: 6624, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Aldabra Ochna ciliata Bois bouquet, Bois démon (Mahé), Bois mangu, Bois mangue Ochnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8972, RecordID: 6625, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Ochna ciliata Bois bouquet, Bois démon (Mahé), Bois mangu, Bois mangue Ochnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6580, RecordID: , observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Jasminum fluminense subsp. mauritianum
Oleaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24482, RecordID: 15479, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Jasminum fluminense subsp. mauritianum
Oleaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24485, RecordID: 15479, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Jasminum fluminense subsp. mauritianum
Oleaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52697, RecordID: 21815, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Adenia gummifera La liane maria, Lalyann marya, Liane Blanc, Liane Maria Passifloraceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 52699, RecordID: 21815, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Adenia gummifera La liane maria, Lalyann marya, Liane Blanc, Liane Maria Passifloraceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 47817, RecordID: 21815, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Adenia gummifera La liane maria, Lalyann marya, Liane Blanc, Liane Maria Passifloraceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 47819, RecordID: 21815, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Adenia gummifera La liane maria, Lalyann marya, Liane Blanc, Liane Maria Passifloraceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 47821, RecordID: 21815, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Adenia gummifera La liane maria, Lalyann marya, Liane Blanc, Liane Maria Passifloraceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 8327, RecordID: 2128, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Piper silhouettanum Wild pepper'Friedmann Piperaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 24988, RecordID: 2128, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Piper silhouettanum Wild pepper'Friedmann Piperaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 24995, RecordID: 2128, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Piper silhouettanum Wild pepper'Friedmann Piperaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30326, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Pittosporum senacia subsp. wrightii Bois jolie coeur Pittosporaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30327, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Pittosporum senacia subsp. wrightii Bois jolie coeur Pittosporaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30328, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Pittosporum senacia subsp. wrightii Bois jolie coeur Pittosporaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2778, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Pittosporum senacia subsp. wrightii Bois jolie coeur Pittosporaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27876, RecordID: 21113, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Pittosporum senacia subsp. wrightii Bois jolie coeur Pittosporaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23140, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Polygonum senegalense Persicaire Polygonaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5100, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Polygonum senegalense Persicaire Polygonaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5102, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Polygonum senegalense Persicaire Polygonaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52973, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Colubrina asiatica Bois savon, Bwa savon, Latherleaf, Savonnier Rhamnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11073, RecordID: 13827, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Colubrina asiatica Bois savon, Bwa savon, Latherleaf, Savonnier Rhamnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11074, RecordID: 13827, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Colubrina asiatica Bois savon, Bwa savon, Latherleaf, Savonnier Rhamnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11077, RecordID: 13827, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Colubrina asiatica Bois savon, Bwa savon, Latherleaf, Savonnier Rhamnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26953, RecordID: 20355, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Bruguiera gymnorhiza Grand manglier, Manglier latte, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26954, RecordID: 20355, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Bruguiera gymnorhiza Grand manglier, Manglier latte, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26955, RecordID: 20355, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Bruguiera gymnorhiza Grand manglier, Manglier latte, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23422, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23423, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23353, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23424, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 53594, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23928, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 23929, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26931, RecordID: 20042, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Bastille Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26933, RecordID: 20042, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Bastille Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26952, RecordID: 20354, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Rhizophora mucronata Manglier gros poumon, Manglier hauban, Mangrove Rhizophoraceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 52544, RecordID: 21981, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25005, RecordID: 17925, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25179, RecordID: 18140, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25391, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25392, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25393, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25394, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25397, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25403, RecordID: 18430, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mare Aux Cochons (S., = Scott Vale) Amaracarpus pubescens subsp. sechellarum
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30278, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30279, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30280, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 574, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 573, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1057, RecordID: 10635, specimen Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26251, RecordID: 19275, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Tea Estate Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 26254, RecordID: 19275, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Tea Estate Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 26259, RecordID: 19277, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 26260, RecordID: 19277, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65742, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65745, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65772, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65785, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65787, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65788, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65791, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65799, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 65808, RecordID: 22108, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Craterispermum sp. 1
Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 30301, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30302, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 496, RecordID: 12293, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 2120, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7029, RecordID: 927, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 11695, RecordID: 14602, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25156, RecordID: 18089, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27545, RecordID: 20641, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 11043, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11044, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11046, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11048, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11058, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11072, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30303, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30304, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30305, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30306, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 725, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6973, RecordID: 451, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6975, RecordID: 451, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23917, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Morinda citrifolia Bois tortue, Bwa torti, Indian Mulberry, Indian mulberry tree Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6958, RecordID: 349, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Morinda citrifolia Bois tortue, Bwa torti, Indian Mulberry, Indian mulberry tree Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23903, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Paragenipa lancifolia Café marron grande feuille, Kafe maron gran fey Rubiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30321, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Paragenipa lancifolia Café marron grande feuille, Kafe maron gran fey Rubiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30322, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Paragenipa lancifolia Café marron grande feuille, Kafe maron gran fey Rubiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 11693, RecordID: 14601, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Paragenipa lancifolia Café marron grande feuille, Kafe maron gran fey Rubiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 22314, RecordID: 14890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Paragenipa lancifolia Café marron grande feuille, Kafe maron gran fey Rubiaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1056, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Peponidium carinatum Bois dur blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22104, RecordID: 14860, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Peponidium carinatum Bois dur blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22105, RecordID: 14860, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Peponidium carinatum Bois dur blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 3006, RecordID: 11678, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Peponidium sechellense
Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3008, RecordID: 11678, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Peponidium sechellense
Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30270, RecordID: 12470, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Peponidium sechellense
Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7344, RecordID: 1776, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Peponidium sechellense
Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7348, RecordID: 1776, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Peponidium sechellense
Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25147, RecordID: 18118, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25148, RecordID: 18118, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25149, RecordID: 18118, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27047, RecordID: 20041, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27526, RecordID: 20596, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 236, RecordID: 12811, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 237, RecordID: 12811, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 28303, RecordID: 20812, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 28305, RecordID: 20812, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 45920, RecordID: 21634, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 45925, RecordID: 21634, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 45926, RecordID: 21634, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 45927, RecordID: 21634, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Psychotria dupontiae Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end)
ImageID: 30330, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30331, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 53550, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 98, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 99, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 101, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11007, RecordID: 13811, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne, St. Anne (sommet) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11008, RecordID: 13811, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne, St. Anne (sommet) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22296, RecordID: 14887, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22298, RecordID: 14887, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26347, RecordID: 19409, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, L'Amitié (collines) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26349, RecordID: 19409, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, L'Amitié (collines) Psychotria pervillei Bois couleuvre, Bwa koulev Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25963, RecordID: 6861, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Psychotria silhouettae
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25964, RecordID: 6861, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Psychotria silhouettae
Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 30275, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Pyrostria bibracteata Bois dur rouge, Bwa dir rouz Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52905, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pyrostria bibracteata Bois dur rouge, Bwa dir rouz Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22874, RecordID: 15011, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Tarenna sechellensis Bois dur blanc, Bois dur bleu, Bwa dir ble Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 22875, RecordID: 15011, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Tarenna sechellensis Bois dur blanc, Bois dur bleu, Bwa dir ble Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 30340, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 30341, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 7026, RecordID: 922, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 22294, RecordID: 14886, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 3093, RecordID: 11663, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 1362, RecordID: 11663, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 1041, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Timonius flavescens Bois cassant de montagne, Bois cassant grand bois Rubiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 53285, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ludia mauritiana var. sechellensis
Salicaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21690, RecordID: 14724, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Ludia mauritiana var. sechellensis
Salicaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21692, RecordID: 14725, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Ludia mauritiana var. sechellensis
Salicaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21694, RecordID: 14725, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Ludia mauritiana var. sechellensis
Salicaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27746, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27747, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27749, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27801, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27820, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27827, RecordID: 21088, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27756, RecordID: 21137, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27758, RecordID: 21137, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27912, RecordID: 21137, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 27930, RecordID: 21137, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 29513, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Allophyllus pervillei Bois cafoul?, Bois maris Sapindaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25069, RecordID: 18046, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe Civine Allophyllus pervillei Bois cafoul?, Bois maris Sapindaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25070, RecordID: 18046, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe Civine Allophyllus pervillei Bois cafoul?, Bois maris Sapindaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24832, RecordID: 17753, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Allophyllus sechellensis Bois cafoul trois feuilles, Bwa kafoul trwa fey Sapindaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26354, RecordID: 19459, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Durand Allophyllus sechellensis Bois cafoul trois feuilles, Bwa kafoul trwa fey Sapindaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24479, RecordID: 15851, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Dodonaea viscosa Bois de reinette Sapindaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30312, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30313, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 53345, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 11593, RecordID: 13948, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 22811, RecordID: 15001, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 22812, RecordID: 15001, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 39823, RecordID: 15375, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 39826, RecordID: 15375, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 23891, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30319, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30320, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 405, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4560, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11692, RecordID: 14600, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21722, RecordID: 14600, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27059, RecordID: 20468, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27062, RecordID: 20468, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27064, RecordID: 20468, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27066, RecordID: 20468, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27068, RecordID: 20468, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 53494, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53495, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47986, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47987, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47989, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47990, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47991, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47992, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47998, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48045, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6965, RecordID: 444, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6966, RecordID: 444, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6968, RecordID: 444, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 65736, RecordID: 22107, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Planchonella obovata Bois de fer, Bois mon pere, Bois mon père, Bois Mozambique, Bwa mon per, Bwa Mozambik, Lucuma Sapotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30334, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30335, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30336, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 737, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11579, RecordID: 13949, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11586, RecordID: 13949, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 46193, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 46201, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 46202, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6807, RecordID: 177, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25011, RecordID: 17926, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25012, RecordID: 17926, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Trema orientalis Bois malgache Ulmaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53518, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Procris insularis
Urticaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 28427, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Procris insularis
Urticaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 1879, RecordID: 11893, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Procris insularis
Urticaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 23309, RecordID: 15274, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Procris insularis
Urticaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 27241, RecordID: 20540, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Procris insularis
Urticaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 8431, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lippia nodiflora Gazon verveine, Lippia, Verveine Verbenaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11771, RecordID: 14615, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eden island Lippia nodiflora Gazon verveine, Lippia, Verveine Verbenaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30329, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Premna serratifolia Bois siro, Bois sirop, Bois sureau, Bwa siro Verbenaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53517, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Premna serratifolia Bois siro, Bois sirop, Bois sureau, Bwa siro Verbenaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53529, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2991, RecordID: 11676, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 52133, RecordID: 13685, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4581, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21723, RecordID: 14733, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26272, RecordID: 19281, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24033, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Cocos nucifera Coconut palm, Coconut tree, Cocotier, Koko, Pye koko Arecaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23924, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Cocos nucifera Coconut palm, Coconut tree, Cocotier, Koko, Pye koko Arecaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7101, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette Cocos nucifera Coconut palm, Coconut tree, Cocotier, Koko, Pye koko Arecaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7141, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette Cocos nucifera Coconut palm, Coconut tree, Cocotier, Koko, Pye koko Arecaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30281, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30282, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2722, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6992, RecordID: 640, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 22301, RecordID: 14888, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25497, RecordID: 18785, observed Author: Henriette, Elvina Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Deckenia nobilis Chou palmiste, Millionaires salad, Palmis, Palmiste Arecaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23404, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 23406, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18497, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18499, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18500, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 19143, RecordID: , observed Author: Houvenaghel, Didier Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7818, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7830, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7832, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30317, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30318, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 2719, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 2770, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6803, RecordID: 3, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6994, RecordID: 632, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum Latanier millepatte, Latannyen milpat Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30323, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30324, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30325, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6799, RecordID: 94, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6800, RecordID: 94, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1793, RecordID: 11910, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 4794, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 30332, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30333, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 18595, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 26262, RecordID: 19278, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6822, RecordID: 739, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6823, RecordID: 739, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Roscheria melanochaetes Latanier hauban, Latannyen lat Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 53793, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Verschaffeltia splendida Latanier latte, Latannyen lat, Latte Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 53794, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Verschaffeltia splendida Latanier latte, Latannyen lat, Latte Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 1676, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Verschaffeltia splendida Latanier latte, Latannyen lat, Latte Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 21715, RecordID: 14731, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Verschaffeltia splendida Latanier latte, Latannyen lat, Latte Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 21742, RecordID: 14731, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Verschaffeltia splendida Latanier latte, Latannyen lat, Latte Arecaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 52347, RecordID: 1740, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 45973, RecordID: 21646, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Giroffe Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 2194, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 7598, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 21713, RecordID: 14730, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 21714, RecordID: 14730, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 27568, RecordID: 20652, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 28320, RecordID: 20652, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 28321, RecordID: 20652, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 52190, RecordID: 21900, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 52567, RecordID: 21988, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 52581, RecordID: 21988, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 52582, RecordID: 21988, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Costularia hornei Herbe rasoir, Lerb razwar, L'herbe rasoir Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 27557, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 27559, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 27561, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 28312, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 28314, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 28316, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 28318, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 30258, RecordID: 21156, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 30265, RecordID: 21156, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 30268, RecordID: 21156, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47887, RecordID: 21853, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47891, RecordID: 21853, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47902, RecordID: 21853, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47930, RecordID: 21853, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47934, RecordID: 21853, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Copolia Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 47936, RecordID: 21854, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 52308, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 52311, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 52314, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 52342, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 52356, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 11813, RecordID: 14628, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Cyperus compressus
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11814, RecordID: 14628, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Cyperus compressus
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11815, RecordID: 14628, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Cyperus compressus
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11753, RecordID: 14613, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Cyperus rotundus Nut-grass Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11754, RecordID: 14613, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Cyperus rotundus Nut-grass Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11801, RecordID: 14627, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Fimbristylis cymosa
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 11802, RecordID: 14627, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Fimbristylis cymosa
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26028, RecordID: 2964, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Fimbristylis cymosa
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26026, RecordID: 3239, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65817, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65820, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65822, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65823, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65824, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65831, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 65839, RecordID: 22110, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Fimbristylis dichotoma
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26027, RecordID: 2959, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Baie St. Anne Fimbristylis littoralis
Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26029, RecordID: 2974, specimen Author: Location: Coëtivy Kyllinga alba
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11235, RecordID: 13880, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Kyllinga alba
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11333, RecordID: 13880, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Kyllinga alba
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26030, RecordID: 2655, specimen Author: Location: Coëtivy Kyllinga colorata
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26031, RecordID: 2657, specimen Author: Location: Frégate Kyllinga monocephala
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26847, RecordID: 19822, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Cap Bayard Kyllinga monocephala
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26851, RecordID: 19822, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Cap Bayard Kyllinga monocephala
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11234, RecordID: 13881, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Kyllinga polyphylla
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11332, RecordID: 13881, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Kyllinga polyphylla
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22117, RecordID: 14864, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Kyllinga polyphylla
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 251, RecordID: 12900, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25236, RecordID: 18122, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25238, RecordID: 18122, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25907, RecordID: 19161, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25908, RecordID: 19161, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 25909, RecordID: 19161, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 27087, RecordID: 20519, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Pointe Caïman Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 8950, RecordID: 3329, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Mapania floribundum
Cyperaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 10394, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 7669, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 7362, RecordID: 1780, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Brulée Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 7363, RecordID: 1780, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Brulée Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26222, RecordID: 19264, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26223, RecordID: 19264, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 8948, RecordID: 3325, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 8949, RecordID: 3327, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Mapania sechellaria
Cyperaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26032, RecordID: 3122, specimen Author: Location: Coëtivy Mariscus dubius Lerb zonnyon Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26033, RecordID: 3126, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Mariscus dubius Lerb zonnyon Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11329, RecordID: 13896, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Mariscus dubius Lerb zonnyon Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11330, RecordID: 13896, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Mariscus dubius Lerb zonnyon Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11331, RecordID: 13896, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Mariscus dubius Lerb zonnyon Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26034, RecordID: 7266, specimen Author: Location: Cousine Mariscus ligularis
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26035, RecordID: 3293, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Mariscus paniceus
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25492, RecordID: 18765, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Anse Songe (Félicité) Mariscus paniceus
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25494, RecordID: 18765, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Anse Songe (Félicité) Mariscus paniceus
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26036, RecordID: 3298, specimen Author: Location: Curieuse Mariscus pennatus
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26037, RecordID: 3300, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Pycreus globosus
Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26038, RecordID: 3310, specimen Author: Location: Ile du Nord Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25225, RecordID: 18186, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25226, RecordID: 18186, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25227, RecordID: 18186, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25465, RecordID: 18757, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25467, RecordID: 18757, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25468, RecordID: 18757, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25469, RecordID: 18757, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pycreus polystachyus Bunchy Flat Sedge Cyperaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26041, RecordID: 3320, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24758, RecordID: 17693, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Bernard Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24759, RecordID: 17693, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Bernard Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21786, RecordID: 14738, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21787, RecordID: 14738, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25352, RecordID: 18375, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25355, RecordID: 18375, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25356, RecordID: 18375, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25924, RecordID: 19200, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25925, RecordID: 19200, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52365, RecordID: 21909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52367, RecordID: 21909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52369, RecordID: 21909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52370, RecordID: 21909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52375, RecordID: 21909, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Scleria sieberi Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26042, RecordID: 3323, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26188, RecordID: 19226, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Pasquière Track Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26190, RecordID: 19226, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Pasquière Track Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26197, RecordID: 19227, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26202, RecordID: 19227, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26203, RecordID: 19227, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Scleria sumatrensis Herbe coupant Cyperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53730, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53731, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11050, RecordID: 13838, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11051, RecordID: 13838, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11062, RecordID: 13838, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 456, RecordID: 13463, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Flagellaria indica Rattan Flagellariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21734, RecordID: 14734, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Flagellaria indica Rattan Flagellariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23744, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23971, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23972, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23898, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2776, RecordID: 11674, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26791, RecordID: 19815, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26793, RecordID: 19815, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26794, RecordID: 19815, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Dianella ensifolia Mangasave Hemerocallidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53032, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Curculigo seychellensis Coco marron Hypoxidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1369, RecordID: 11685, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Curculigo seychellensis Coco marron Hypoxidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6900, RecordID: 316, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Curculigo seychellensis Coco marron Hypoxidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6901, RecordID: 316, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Curculigo seychellensis Coco marron Hypoxidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 6903, RecordID: 316, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Curculigo seychellensis Coco marron Hypoxidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 53215, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 70, RecordID: 11668, observed Author: Duhec, Aurélie Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1688, RecordID: 11912, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1689, RecordID: 11912, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1869, RecordID: 11912, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 633, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 6207, RecordID: , observed Author: Bunce, Sarah Location: Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27169, RecordID: 1793, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27171, RecordID: 1793, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 11686, RecordID: 14598, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Hypoxidia maheensis Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 52502, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 52504, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 52506, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25310, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25312, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 1482, RecordID: 11900, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24713, RecordID: 17549, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24716, RecordID: 17549, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24718, RecordID: 17549, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24724, RecordID: 17549, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26756, RecordID: 19728, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Hypoxidia rhizophylla Petit coco marron, Pti koko maron Hypoxidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 3276, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Agrostophyllum occidentale
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 24693, RecordID: 15841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Agrostophyllum occidentale
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 24697, RecordID: 15841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Agrostophyllum occidentale
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 6564, RecordID: 11290, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Corail Angraecum eburneum Paille-en-queue, Tropic bird orchid Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 28498, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Angraecum eburneum subsp. superbum Paille-en-queue Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 26289, RecordID: 19342, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Angraecum eburneum subsp. superbum Paille-en-queue Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 26290, RecordID: 19342, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Angraecum eburneum subsp. superbum Paille-en-queue Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 26291, RecordID: 19342, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Angraecum eburneum subsp. superbum Paille-en-queue Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 7687, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Angraecum eburneum Paille-en-queue, Tropic bird orchid Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 22583, RecordID: 14920, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25163, RecordID: 18132, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25164, RecordID: 18132, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52773, RecordID: 21814, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47811, RecordID: 21814, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Ros Gorila Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22763, RecordID: 14980, observed Author: Jolliffe, Kevin Location: Praslin, Fond Dalbaretz Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22771, RecordID: 14980, observed Author: Jolliffe, Kevin Location: Praslin, Fond Dalbaretz Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22772, RecordID: 14980, observed Author: Jolliffe, Kevin Location: Praslin, Fond Dalbaretz Angraecum zeylanicum
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 46274, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Bulbophyllum humblottii
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21739, RecordID: 14735, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Bulbophyllum humblottii
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52570, RecordID: 21989, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Bulbophyllum humblottii
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52572, RecordID: 21989, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Bulbophyllum humblottii
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 66, RecordID: 11669, observed Author: Duhec, Aurélie Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Bulbophyllum intertextum
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 22653, RecordID: 14953, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge extrême Est Bulbophyllum intertextum
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 21741, RecordID: 14736, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Orchidaceae (ind, DD)
ImageID: 22576, RecordID: 14922, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Orchidaceae (ind, DD)
ImageID: 26621, RecordID: 14922, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Orchidaceae (ind, DD)
ImageID: 26625, RecordID: 14922, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Orchidaceae (ind, DD)
ImageID: 25335, RecordID: 18332, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Orchidaceae (ind, DD)
ImageID: 23877, RecordID: , observed Author: Noël, Wendy Location: Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52488, RecordID: 21963, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52489, RecordID: 21963, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52491, RecordID: 21963, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 52492, RecordID: 21963, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 8965, RecordID: 7051, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Calanthe millotae
Orchidaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 114, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 4470, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 8055, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 23300, RecordID: 15241, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 25555, RecordID: 18852, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Bourgeois Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 25556, RecordID: 18852, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Bourgeois Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 26366, RecordID: 19578, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Cynorkis sp. nov.
Orchidaceae (end)
ImageID: 26369, RecordID: 19578, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Cynorkis sp. nov.
Orchidaceae (end)
ImageID: 26377, RecordID: 19578, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Cynorkis sp. nov.
Orchidaceae (end)
ImageID: 26379, RecordID: 19578, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Cynorkis sp. nov.
Orchidaceae (end)
ImageID: 26399, RecordID: 19624, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Cynorkis sp. nov.
Orchidaceae (end)
ImageID: 24963, RecordID: 17903, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Disperis tripetaloides
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 24966, RecordID: 17903, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Disperis tripetaloides
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 53161, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25749, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25752, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25826, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25756, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 25829, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1831, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1834, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1457, RecordID: 11672, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hederorkis seychellensis
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4567, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Hederorkis seychellensis
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27543, RecordID: 20638, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Hederorkis seychellensis
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4766, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28945, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28996, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 28998, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 1864, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 1865, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 7111, RecordID: 1593, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26384, RecordID: 19580, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26385, RecordID: 19580, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 52476, RecordID: 21961, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25380, RecordID: 18426, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25382, RecordID: 18426, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25383, RecordID: 18426, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25737, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25740, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25820, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65747, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65750, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65751, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65754, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65761, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65762, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65766, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 65814, RecordID: 22109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 22619, RecordID: 19130, observed Author: Beaver, Katy Location: Praslin, Anse Bois De Rose Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24968, RecordID: 17908, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24970, RecordID: 17908, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25410, RecordID: 18433, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Casse Tonnerre Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25482, RecordID: 18760, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26280, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26282, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26283, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26286, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26311, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26314, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47828, RecordID: 21834, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47835, RecordID: 21834, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47852, RecordID: 21834, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47855, RecordID: 21834, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6789, RecordID: 244, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 6790, RecordID: 244, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 22664, RecordID: 14968, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25656, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25661, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25728, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25663, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25664, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25168, RecordID: 18138, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25814, RecordID: 18966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25721, RecordID: 18966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 26344, RecordID: 19392, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Anse Kerlan Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 39833, RecordID: 15354, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Polystachya concreta
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 39835, RecordID: 15354, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Polystachya concreta
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24681, RecordID: 15837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Polystachya concreta
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24682, RecordID: 15837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Polystachya concreta
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 58, RecordID: 11644, observed Author: Duhec, Aurélie Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Polystachya rosea
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 52146, RecordID: 13689, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Polystachya rosea
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 52147, RecordID: 13689, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Polystachya rosea
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 8968, RecordID: 7016, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Le Niol Polystachya rosea
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 30256, RecordID: 20637, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Polystachya rosea
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 19706, RecordID: , observed Author: Lamy, Matthis Location: Vanilla phalaenopsis Vanille sauvage Orchidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 22826, RecordID: 15002, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Vanilla phalaenopsis Vanille sauvage Orchidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 27743, RecordID: 21100, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Vanilla phalaenopsis Vanille sauvage Orchidaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1283, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6740, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6748, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 8837, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26192, RecordID: 19235, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2589, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6972, RecordID: 436, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Martellidendron hornei Horne's pandanus, Horn's Vacoa, Vacoa parasol, Vakwa parasol Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 53436, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24835, RecordID: 17762, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24838, RecordID: 17762, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24844, RecordID: 17762, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24847, RecordID: 17762, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24850, RecordID: 17762, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 47632, RecordID: 21800, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 47633, RecordID: 21800, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Pandanus balfourii Balfour's pandanus, Vacoa bord-de-mer, Vacoa de riviere, Vakwa bor-d-mer Pandanaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 252, RecordID: 12869, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6722, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 9005, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 3776, RecordID: 13770, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 3784, RecordID: 13770, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 11590, RecordID: 13951, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 6925, RecordID: 14743, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25160, RecordID: 18109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25162, RecordID: 18109, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 45907, RecordID: 21633, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 45909, RecordID: 21633, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 45914, RecordID: 21633, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 45917, RecordID: 21633, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 45919, RecordID: 21633, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus multispicatus Vacoa de montagne, Vacoa millepatte, Vakwa-d-montanny Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 2983, RecordID: 11647, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 2990, RecordID: 11647, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 1820, RecordID: 11779, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 7513, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 7516, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 23006, RecordID: 15168, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25459, RecordID: 18727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25460, RecordID: 18727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25461, RecordID: 18727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25462, RecordID: 18727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 27261, RecordID: 20577, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 27856, RecordID: 21112, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 25965, RecordID: 3726, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Anse Aux Pins Aristida setacea
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25967, RecordID: 3729, specimen Author: Location: Frégate Axonopus compressus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11239, RecordID: 13886, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Axonopus compressus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25968, RecordID: 4067, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Brachiaria brizantha
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25209, RecordID: 18180, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Brachiaria brizantha
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25229, RecordID: 18180, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Brachiaria brizantha
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26204, RecordID: 19239, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Brachiaria brizantha
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2767, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Brachiaria umbellata Gazon chinensis, Gazon trel, Gazon trelle, Herbe edwards Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22076, RecordID: 14854, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Brachiaria umbellata Gazon chinensis, Gazon trel, Gazon trelle, Herbe edwards Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22078, RecordID: 14854, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Brachiaria umbellata Gazon chinensis, Gazon trel, Gazon trelle, Herbe edwards Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24522, RecordID: 15616, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Brachiaria umbellata Gazon chinensis, Gazon trel, Gazon trelle, Herbe edwards Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26005, RecordID: 3864, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Danzil Brachiaria umbellata Gazon chinensis, Gazon trel, Gazon trelle, Herbe edwards Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25971, RecordID: 4074, specimen Author: Location: Coëtivy Cenchrus echinatus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25972, RecordID: 4081, specimen Author: Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Chloris barbata
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25973, RecordID: 4088, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Cascade Chloris pycnothrix
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25977, RecordID: 3487, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25978, RecordID: 3488, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Montagne Palmiste (= Bernica) Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25979, RecordID: 3491, specimen Author: Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25980, RecordID: 3492, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Anse Volbert Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25981, RecordID: 3497, specimen Author: Location: Ile Platte (Coëtivy) Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11791, RecordID: 14623, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27639, RecordID: 20707, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27640, RecordID: 20707, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Dactyloctenium ctenoides Chien dent, Herne bourrique, Patte de poule Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26021, RecordID: 3457, specimen Author: Location: Coëtivy Digitaria didactyla
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25984, RecordID: 3459, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Echinochloa colona
Poaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25985, RecordID: 3461, specimen Author: Location: Ile du Nord Echinochloa colona
Poaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 25989, RecordID: 3767, specimen Author: Location: Desroches Enteropogon sechellensis Gazon Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25032, RecordID: 17929, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Garnotia sechellensis Lerb-d-montanny Poaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26001, RecordID: 3072, specimen Author: Location: Alphonse Lepturus repens
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26002, RecordID: 3845, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Oplismenus compositus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24545, RecordID: 17590, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Oplismenus compositus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26730, RecordID: 19711, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Oplismenus compositus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26731, RecordID: 19711, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Oplismenus compositus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26003, RecordID: 3850, specimen Author: Location: Ile du Nord Panicum brevifolium Herbe la seine Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25198, RecordID: 18167, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Panicum brevifolium Herbe la seine Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25199, RecordID: 18167, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Panicum brevifolium Herbe la seine Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25200, RecordID: 18167, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Panicum brevifolium Herbe la seine Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26006, RecordID: 3868, specimen Author: Location: Ile du Nord Paspalidium geminatum
Poaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26007, RecordID: 3875, specimen Author: Location: Mahé Paspalum conjugatum Buffalo grass Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26018, RecordID: 3920, specimen Author: Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Sporobolus virginicus
Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 12156, RecordID: 14671, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Stenotaphrum dimidiatum Chiendent, Herbe coco Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 12158, RecordID: 14671, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Stenotaphrum dimidiatum Chiendent, Herbe coco Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26234, RecordID: 19267, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Stenotaphrum dimidiatum Chiendent, Herbe coco Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26235, RecordID: 19267, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Stenotaphrum dimidiatum Chiendent, Herbe coco Poaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26181, RecordID: 6646, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Potamogeton richardi
Potamogetonaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26180, RecordID: 6646, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Potamogeton richardi
Potamogetonaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30287, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Bois chandelle, Bois chandelle blanc, Bois chandelle rouge (but Bailey probably refers to Cordyline fruticosa), Bwa sandel, Pl Ruscaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30288, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Bois chandelle, Bois chandelle blanc, Bois chandelle rouge (but Bailey probably refers to Cordyline fruticosa), Bwa sandel, Pl Ruscaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1773, RecordID: 11908, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Bois chandelle, Bois chandelle blanc, Bois chandelle rouge (but Bailey probably refers to Cordyline fruticosa), Bwa sandel, Pl Ruscaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1777, RecordID: 11908, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Bois chandelle, Bois chandelle blanc, Bois chandelle rouge (but Bailey probably refers to Cordyline fruticosa), Bwa sandel, Pl Ruscaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25522, RecordID: 18897, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia Bois chandelle, Bois chandelle blanc, Bois chandelle rouge (but Bailey probably refers to Cordyline fruticosa), Bwa sandel, Pl Ruscaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25828, RecordID: 19127, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Seychellaria thomassetii
Triuridaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27532, RecordID: 20636, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Seychellaria thomassetii
Triuridaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24767, RecordID: 17707, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Typha javanica Bullrush, Cattail, Herbe zonc, Jonc Typhaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24773, RecordID: 17707, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Typha javanica Bullrush, Cattail, Herbe zonc, Jonc Typhaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8962, RecordID: 1570, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Sud Huperzia ophioglossoides
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27012, RecordID: 20202, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Huperzia ophioglossoides
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27013, RecordID: 20202, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Huperzia ophioglossoides
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5850, RecordID: 14806, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Huperzia ophioglossoides
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24955, RecordID: 17876, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Huperzia phlegmaria
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25369, RecordID: 18427, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Huperzia phlegmaria
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25372, RecordID: 18427, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Huperzia phlegmaria
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22651, RecordID: 14952, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge extrême Est Huperzia phlegmaria
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8961, RecordID: 1618, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7386, RecordID: 1784, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Brulée Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7387, RecordID: 1784, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Brulée Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8960, RecordID: 3097, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8958, RecordID: 3098, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26201, RecordID: 19269, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Lycopodiella cernua var. seychellarum Fougère mariage, Fouzer mariaz Lycopodiaceae (end)
ImageID: 26210, RecordID: 19269, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Lycopodiella cernua var. seychellarum Fougère mariage, Fouzer mariaz Lycopodiaceae (end)
ImageID: 2773, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Lycopodiella cernua
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23315, RecordID: 15329, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Psilotum complanatum
Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24510, RecordID: 15587, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Psilotum complanatum
Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24513, RecordID: 15587, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Psilotum complanatum
Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24514, RecordID: 15587, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Psilotum complanatum
Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5867, RecordID: 10741, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Psilotum nudum Pti sed Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22858, RecordID: 15007, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Psilotum nudum Pti sed Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22859, RecordID: 15007, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Psilotum nudum Pti sed Psilotaceae (ind)
ImageID: 19895, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Selaginella fissidentoides
Selaginellaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5873, RecordID: 3551, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 25029, RecordID: 17928, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 25030, RecordID: 17928, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 25758, RecordID: 19014, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 25762, RecordID: 19014, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 25763, RecordID: 19014, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 26220, RecordID: 19263, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 26715, RecordID: 19696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 26716, RecordID: 19696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 26718, RecordID: 19696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Selaginella sechellarum Lapat lezar Selaginellaceae (end)
ImageID: 8422, RecordID: 2220, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8423, RecordID: 2220, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25785, RecordID: 19078, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25786, RecordID: 19078, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25789, RecordID: 19078, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25791, RecordID: 19078, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25854, RecordID: 1808, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25853, RecordID: 1810, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25850, RecordID: 2271, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25851, RecordID: 2271, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27201, RecordID: 20529, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27227, RecordID: 20536, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27231, RecordID: 20536, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27239, RecordID: 20536, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium affine
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5816, RecordID: 10719, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Asplenium caudatum var. minor
Aspleniaceae (end)
ImageID: 22666, RecordID: 14967, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium caudatum var. minor
Aspleniaceae (end)
ImageID: 22669, RecordID: 14967, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium caudatum var. minor
Aspleniaceae (end)
ImageID: 22670, RecordID: 14967, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium caudatum var. minor
Aspleniaceae (end)
ImageID: 23310, RecordID: 15278, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Asplenium caudatum var. minor
Aspleniaceae (end)
ImageID: 25692, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25695, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25812, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25712, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25698, RecordID: 18952, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium inequilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25699, RecordID: 18952, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium inequilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25702, RecordID: 18952, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium inequilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25703, RecordID: 18952, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium inequilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25704, RecordID: 18952, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium inequilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23832, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Asplenium nidus Langdebef Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 28425, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Asplenium nidus Langdebef Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1904, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Asplenium nidus Langdebef Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 530, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Asplenium nidus Langdebef Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25866, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25867, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25868, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25872, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25873, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25874, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25875, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25880, RecordID: 13771, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22692, RecordID: 14973, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22693, RecordID: 14973, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22694, RecordID: 14973, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Asplenium obscurum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25020, RecordID: 17919, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25021, RecordID: 17919, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25666, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25668, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25673, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25678, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25684, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25862, RecordID: 2164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Corgat Asplenium pellucidum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25863, RecordID: 2164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Corgat Asplenium pellucidum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25860, RecordID: 7862, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Asplenium pellucidum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25843, RecordID: 7865, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Asplenium petiolulatum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25844, RecordID: 7865, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Asplenium petiolulatum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25856, RecordID: 7865, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Asplenium petiolulatum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25858, RecordID: 7865, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Asplenium petiolulatum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25859, RecordID: 7865, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Asplenium petiolulatum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25291, RecordID: 18262, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Asplenium tenerum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25293, RecordID: 18262, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Asplenium tenerum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27041, RecordID: 20360, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Asplenium tenerum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27042, RecordID: 20360, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Asplenium tenerum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27043, RecordID: 20360, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Asplenium tenerum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25869, RecordID: 2125, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25870, RecordID: 2125, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25871, RecordID: 2125, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22549, RecordID: 14914, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Grand Bassin Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24662, RecordID: 15727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25685, RecordID: 18951, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25687, RecordID: 18951, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27247, RecordID: 20532, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27248, RecordID: 20532, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27249, RecordID: 20532, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Asplenium unilaterale
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7106, RecordID: 1586, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 24640, RecordID: 15710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Eléphant Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 24642, RecordID: 15710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Eléphant Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 24644, RecordID: 15710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Eléphant Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 24645, RecordID: 15710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Eléphant Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 24660, RecordID: 15726, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 5817, RecordID: 3556, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Agalega Stenochlaena tenuifolia
Blechnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5818, RecordID: 3556, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Agalega Stenochlaena tenuifolia
Blechnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24102, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 25258, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 2988, RecordID: 11667, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 3209, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 22708, RecordID: 14976, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 27046, RecordID: 20362, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 3330, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3332, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7654, RecordID: 1836, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22835, RecordID: 15003, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23295, RecordID: 15231, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23296, RecordID: 15231, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Davallia denticulata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3231, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia pedata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1329, RecordID: 11664, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Davallia pedata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3232, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia pedata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4520, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia pedata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 181, RecordID: 12781, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Nord Histiopteris incisa
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22686, RecordID: 14971, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Histiopteris incisa
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25318, RecordID: 18266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Histiopteris incisa
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25320, RecordID: 18266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Histiopteris incisa
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27255, RecordID: 20572, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Histiopteris incisa
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5823, RecordID: 3100, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7103, RecordID: 1585, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8329, RecordID: 2130, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8330, RecordID: 2130, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8340, RecordID: 2130, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21718, RecordID: 14732, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vingt Cinq Sous Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21719, RecordID: 14732, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vingt Cinq Sous Microlepia speluncae
Dennstaedtiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5844, RecordID: 3473, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Le Niol Bolbitis bipinnatifida
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 536, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Bolbitis bipinnatifida
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25043, RecordID: 17967, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grand Congoman Bolbitis bipinnatifida
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24688, RecordID: 15836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Elaphoglossum coriaceum
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24690, RecordID: 15836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Elaphoglossum coriaceum
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24692, RecordID: 15836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Elaphoglossum coriaceum
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30248, RecordID: 21155, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Elaphoglossum coriaceum
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1884, RecordID: 11911, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Elaphoglossum coriaceum
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1763, RecordID: 11890, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Elaphoglossum hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3215, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elaphoglossum hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3216, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elaphoglossum hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 8974, RecordID: 1685, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Elaphoglossum lancifolium
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24686, RecordID: 15835, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Elaphoglossum lancifolium
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 28326, RecordID: 20627, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Elaphoglossum lancifolium
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52377, RecordID: 21947, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52383, RecordID: 21947, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52439, RecordID: 21959, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52440, RecordID: 21959, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52442, RecordID: 21959, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52443, RecordID: 21959, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5848, RecordID: 3076, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22524, RecordID: 14899, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25244, RecordID: 18116, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Elaphoglossum lepervanchei
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4403, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4408, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4410, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4411, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4412, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4415, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4430, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 4433, RecordID: 13786, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22800, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22801, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22802, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22671, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22674, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22677, RecordID: 14966, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22688, RecordID: 14972, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22690, RecordID: 14972, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 30239, RecordID: 20803, specimen Author: Labattut, Hugo Location: Mahé, Pérard Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 30240, RecordID: 20803, specimen Author: Labattut, Hugo Location: Mahé, Pérard Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 30242, RecordID: 20803, specimen Author: Labattut, Hugo Location: Mahé, Pérard Lastreopsis hornei
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 25284, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 10384, RecordID: 3088, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22537, RecordID: 14910, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22538, RecordID: 14910, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 22541, RecordID: 14910, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 5808, RecordID: 15405, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 24859, RecordID: 17807, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 24861, RecordID: 17807, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Polystichopsis wardii
Dryopteridaceae (end)
ImageID: 197, RecordID: 12761, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Nord Rumohra adiantiformis
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5809, RecordID: , observed Author: Location: Rumohra adiantiformis
Dryopteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23867, RecordID: , observed Author: Noël, Wendy Location: Dicranopteris linearis Bracken fern, Grif Lyon Gleicheniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2460, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dicranopteris linearis Bracken fern, Grif Lyon Gleicheniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2461, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dicranopteris linearis Bracken fern, Grif Lyon Gleicheniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47783, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47784, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47785, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 47787, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25911, RecordID: 19163, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25912, RecordID: 19163, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52482, RecordID: 21962, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52483, RecordID: 21962, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52486, RecordID: 21962, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Abrodictyum cupressoides
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48023, RecordID: 1849, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48027, RecordID: 1849, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48029, RecordID: 1849, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48052, RecordID: 2122, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Curieuse (sommet) Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26217, RecordID: 19262, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26218, RecordID: 19262, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 48053, RecordID: 19262, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Abrodictyum parviflorum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10236, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10239, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10240, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10252, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10265, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10277, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10282, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4313, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4315, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4317, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10221, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 10234, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25338, RecordID: 18341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Didymoglossum cuspidatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25339, RecordID: 18341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Didymoglossum cuspidatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25340, RecordID: 18341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Didymoglossum cuspidatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5839, RecordID: 14795, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Silhouette, Vallée de l'Anse Mondon Didymoglossum erosum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8809, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Didymoglossum fulgens
Hymenophyllaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 8810, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Didymoglossum fulgens
Hymenophyllaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 5841, RecordID: 3563, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Didymoglossum fulgens
Hymenophyllaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 5840, RecordID: 3564, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Didymoglossum fulgens
Hymenophyllaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 4215, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Didymoglossum fulgens
Hymenophyllaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 8707, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8825, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8708, RecordID: 2310, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8710, RecordID: 2310, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25778, RecordID: 19070, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26342, RecordID: 19385, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Anse Kerlan Didymoglossum motleyi
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3734, RecordID: 13768, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Didymoglossum rotundifolium
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3740, RecordID: 13768, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Didymoglossum rotundifolium
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3743, RecordID: 13768, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Didymoglossum rotundifolium
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8249, RecordID: 2024, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hymenophyllum digitatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8250, RecordID: 2024, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hymenophyllum digitatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8251, RecordID: 2024, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hymenophyllum digitatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5834, RecordID: 10728, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Hymenophyllum hirsutum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1847, RecordID: 11884, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hymenophyllum hygrometricum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1848, RecordID: 11884, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Hymenophyllum hygrometricum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25246, RecordID: 18095, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Hymenophyllum hygrometricum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21744, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21743, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25023, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25024, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25026, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25027, RecordID: 1736, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. blumeanum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5838, RecordID: 3087, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Hymenophyllum polyanthos
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3219, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Hymenophyllum polyanthos
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26351, RecordID: 19439, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Trichomanes cuspidatum var. densistriata
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1558, RecordID: 11901, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1562, RecordID: 11901, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1698, RecordID: 11901, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5825, RecordID: 10690, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Copolia Lindsaea ensifolia
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5824, RecordID: 3547, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Cascade Lindsaea ensifolia
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 1557, RecordID: 11883, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea kirkii
Lindsaeaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1561, RecordID: 11883, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea kirkii
Lindsaeaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 1576, RecordID: 11883, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Pérard Lindsaea kirkii
Lindsaeaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 3292, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Lindsaea repens
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24665, RecordID: 15728, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Lindsaea repens
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25286, RecordID: 18237, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Lindsaea repens
Lindsaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22547, RecordID: 14913, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Grand Bassin Lomariopsis pervillei
Lomariopsidaceae (end)
ImageID: 24975, RecordID: 17917, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Lomariopsis pervillei
Lomariopsidaceae (end)
ImageID: 24976, RecordID: 17917, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Lomariopsis pervillei
Lomariopsidaceae (end)
ImageID: 24977, RecordID: 17917, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Lomariopsis pervillei
Lomariopsidaceae (end)
ImageID: 27576, RecordID: 20671, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27581, RecordID: 20671, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27582, RecordID: 20671, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3798, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3800, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3802, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 3823, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 5387, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 5388, RecordID: 13773, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 39861, RecordID: 13780, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4322, RecordID: 13783, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4323, RecordID: 13783, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 39905, RecordID: 13785, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 39907, RecordID: 13785, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 5333, RecordID: 13801, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Varigault Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26642, RecordID: 13801, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26961, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26966, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26970, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26976, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26977, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26979, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26983, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 26989, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 27161, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 28334, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 28336, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 28337, RecordID: 13804, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris chongsengiana Baton monsennyer-d-gran bwa Marattiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 2549, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6728, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3358, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3368, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5254, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5257, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26645, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26648, RecordID: 13743, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5261, RecordID: 14685, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5262, RecordID: 14685, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5269, RecordID: 14685, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5285, RecordID: 14686, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5295, RecordID: 14686, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5306, RecordID: 14686, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5195, RecordID: 14688, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27001, RecordID: 20040, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27002, RecordID: 20040, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5515, RecordID: 13746, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Est Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5523, RecordID: 13763, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5535, RecordID: 13763, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5537, RecordID: 13763, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5538, RecordID: 13763, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5544, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5545, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5552, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4373, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4374, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4375, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4378, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5569, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5578, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5579, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26644, RecordID: 13784, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5456, RecordID: 13798, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Varigault Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5476, RecordID: 13798, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Varigault Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5494, RecordID: 13798, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Varigault Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26991, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26992, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26994, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 26999, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27045, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27136, RecordID: 20039, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27204, RecordID: 20524, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27206, RecordID: 20524, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27208, RecordID: 20524, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27211, RecordID: 20524, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27214, RecordID: 20524, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27402, RecordID: 20583, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27422, RecordID: 20583, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27440, RecordID: 20588, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27450, RecordID: 20588, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 27453, RecordID: 20588, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pérard Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39867, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39868, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39869, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39877, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39878, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39881, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39884, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39888, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39899, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 42460, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 42465, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 42471, RecordID: 21164, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39911, RecordID: 21165, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 39913, RecordID: 21165, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 5854, RecordID: 3102, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Ma Joséphine Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23338, RecordID: 15397, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23339, RecordID: 15397, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23340, RecordID: 15397, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Anse Major Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24946, RecordID: 17874, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24950, RecordID: 17874, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52635, RecordID: 22083, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52638, RecordID: 22083, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52641, RecordID: 22083, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52642, RecordID: 22083, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Nephrolepis acutifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24003, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Nephrolepis biserrata Fougère Tabac, Fouzer taba, Giant swordfern Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5071, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Nephrolepis biserrata Fougère Tabac, Fouzer taba, Giant swordfern Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23860, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Nephrolepis biserrata Fougère Tabac, Fouzer taba, Giant swordfern Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5857, RecordID: 14766, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Nephrolepis biserrata Fougère Tabac, Fouzer taba, Giant swordfern Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5858, RecordID: 3509, specimen Author: Location: Cousin Nephrolepis biserrata Fougère Tabac, Fouzer taba, Giant swordfern Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26768, RecordID: 19750, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Nephrolepis cordifolia var. cordifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26769, RecordID: 19750, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Nephrolepis cordifolia var. cordifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5859, RecordID: 10734, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Nephrolepis cordifolia var. cordifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 450, RecordID: 13449, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Nephrolepis cordifolia var. cordifolia
Nephrolepidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25140, RecordID: 18085, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Oleandra annetii
Oleandraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25142, RecordID: 18085, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Oleandra annetii
Oleandraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25275, RecordID: 18204, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Oleandra annetii
Oleandraceae (ind)
ImageID: 6752, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ophioglossum pendulum
Ophioglossaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6753, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ophioglossum pendulum
Ophioglossaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2418, RecordID: 12258, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Est Ceradenia sechellarum
Polypodiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 2412, RecordID: 12258, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Est Ceradenia sechellarum
Polypodiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 52457, RecordID: 21960, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Cochlidium serrulatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52459, RecordID: 21960, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Cochlidium serrulatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5833, RecordID: 3572, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Cochlidium serrulatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3270, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Cochlidium serrulatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5832, RecordID: , observed Author: Location: Grammitis pervillei
Polypodiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 11651, RecordID: 13963, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bassin bleu Grammitis pervillei
Polypodiaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 5789, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5790, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5791, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5794, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21727, RecordID: 2433, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5863, RecordID: 3471, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26628, RecordID: 14924, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26629, RecordID: 14924, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26630, RecordID: 14924, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52401, RecordID: 21953, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52403, RecordID: 21953, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52404, RecordID: 21953, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24868, RecordID: 17850, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Caïman Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24869, RecordID: 17850, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Caïman Lepisorus spicatus
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24463, RecordID: 15423, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Microsorum punctatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25296, RecordID: 18263, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Microsorum punctatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25300, RecordID: 18263, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Microsorum punctatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25389, RecordID: 18429, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Microsorum punctatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24647, RecordID: 15713, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Microsorum punctatum
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 28430, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Phymatodes scolopendria Kapiler Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11064, RecordID: 13840, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Phymatodes scolopendria Kapiler Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11065, RecordID: 13840, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Phymatodes scolopendria Kapiler Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 11067, RecordID: 13840, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Phymatodes scolopendria Kapiler Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5868, RecordID: 10682, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Pyrrosia lanceolata
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 2451, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Pyrrosia lanceolata
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4682, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pyrrosia lanceolata
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4310, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Terpsichore elastica
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5843, RecordID: 2852, specimen Author: Fosberg, Francis Raymond Location: Cousin Acrostichum aureum Fouzer lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 24793, RecordID: 17708, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Acrostichum aureum Fouzer lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 24805, RecordID: 17708, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Acrostichum aureum Fouzer lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 24808, RecordID: 17708, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Acrostichum aureum Fouzer lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 5798, RecordID: 3393, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Praslin Afropteris barklyae
Pteridaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26225, RecordID: 19266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Afropteris barklyae
Pteridaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26226, RecordID: 19266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Afropteris barklyae
Pteridaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26230, RecordID: 19266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Afropteris barklyae
Pteridaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26231, RecordID: 19266, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière Salazie Afropteris barklyae
Pteridaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 26293, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26295, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26296, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26298, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26330, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26331, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26335, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25881, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25883, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25322, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25324, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25326, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25328, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25331, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25845, RecordID: 1733, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25848, RecordID: 1733, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53881, RecordID: 21835, specimen Author: Williams, Jenifa Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52557, RecordID: 21835, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52558, RecordID: 21835, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52559, RecordID: 21835, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Antrophyum immersum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5862, RecordID: 10709, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Ceratopteris thalictroides Kreson lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 20046, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Ceratopteris thalictroides Kreson lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 24771, RecordID: 17712, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Ceratopteris thalictroides Kreson lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 24787, RecordID: 17712, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Ceratopteris thalictroides Kreson lanmar Pteridaceae (ind, LC)
ImageID: 26269, RecordID: 19280, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Haplopteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26271, RecordID: 19280, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Glacis Noir Haplopteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5883, RecordID: 3568, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Haplopteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7361, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Haplopteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4241, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Haplopteris scolopendrina
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6860, RecordID: 1527, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Haplopteris scolopendrina
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22656, RecordID: 14965, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Haplopteris scolopendrina
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24650, RecordID: 15718, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Haplopteris scolopendrina
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25182, RecordID: 18147, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25183, RecordID: 18147, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25377, RecordID: 18414, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25378, RecordID: 18414, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25817, RecordID: 18998, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25818, RecordID: 18998, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5799, RecordID: 3518, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Pellaea angulosa
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5800, RecordID: 3519, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Ma Joséphine Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22086, RecordID: 14857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22088, RecordID: 14857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22089, RecordID: 14857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22093, RecordID: 14857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25474, RecordID: 18762, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25475, RecordID: 18762, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25476, RecordID: 18762, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25477, RecordID: 18762, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Fidèle Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26861, RecordID: 19907, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Roche Bois Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26862, RecordID: 19907, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Roche Bois Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52414, RecordID: 21952, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Pellaea doniana
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5803, RecordID: 10727, specimen Author: Awmack, C.S. Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Pteris atrovirens var. laevicosta
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24851, RecordID: 17768, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Pteris atrovirens var. laevicosta
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24853, RecordID: 17768, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Pteris atrovirens var. laevicosta
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24854, RecordID: 17768, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Pteris atrovirens var. laevicosta
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22659, RecordID: 14964, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22660, RecordID: 14964, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22661, RecordID: 14964, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22662, RecordID: 14964, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Seychellois Est Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27219, RecordID: 20538, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27223, RecordID: 20538, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27224, RecordID: 20538, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Pteris pseudolonchitis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53620, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53621, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 53624, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5069, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5070, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8065, RecordID: 1900, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Giraffe Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8066, RecordID: 1900, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Giraffe Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8067, RecordID: 1900, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Giraffe Pteris tripartita
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52385, RecordID: 21911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52390, RecordID: 21911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52396, RecordID: 21911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52400, RecordID: 21911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 52407, RecordID: 21911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5871, RecordID: 3544, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4523, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4524, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4527, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Actinostachys confusa
Schizaeaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6620, RecordID: 10651, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 6627, RecordID: 10651, specimen Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 22550, RecordID: 14915, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Grand Bassin Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 24475, RecordID: 17587, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 25175, RecordID: 18134, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 25177, RecordID: 18134, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Tectaria pleiotoma
Tectariaceae (end)
ImageID: 21946, RecordID: 13764, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21948, RecordID: 13764, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21949, RecordID: 13764, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24979, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24980, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24983, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24985, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24991, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24994, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25008, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25009, RecordID: 14744, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Tectaria waterlotii
Tectariaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5077, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5877, RecordID: 2660, specimen Author: Location: Praslin Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24672, RecordID: 15743, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24674, RecordID: 15743, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24546, RecordID: 17591, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24547, RecordID: 17591, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25934, RecordID: 19213, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25935, RecordID: 19213, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25936, RecordID: 19213, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25937, RecordID: 19213, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26722, RecordID: 19704, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26723, RecordID: 19704, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Cyclosorus dentatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5878, RecordID: 3552, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Ma Joséphine Sphaerostephanos elatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6788, RecordID: 1535, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6820, RecordID: 1535, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6821, RecordID: 1535, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24548, RecordID: 17592, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24550, RecordID: 17592, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24551, RecordID: 17592, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25931, RecordID: 19212, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26364, RecordID: 19546, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Fond Azore Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5879, RecordID: 3553, specimen Author: Location: Silhouette Sphaerostephanos subtruncatus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4599, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4603, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22279, RecordID: 14881, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22280, RecordID: 14881, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22281, RecordID: 14881, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22282, RecordID: 14881, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25926, RecordID: 19204, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5881, RecordID: 3554, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Casse Dent Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8757, RecordID: 2341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Collines du Sud Syrrhopodon involutus
Calymperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8758, RecordID: 2341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Collines du Sud Syrrhopodon involutus
Calymperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8217, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Syrrhopodon mahensis
Calymperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8218, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Syrrhopodon mahensis
Calymperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8228, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Syrrhopodon mahensis
Calymperaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4815, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Distichophyllum mascarenicum
Daltoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8289, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Distichophyllum mascarenicum
Daltoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27250, RecordID: 20539, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Distichophyllum mascarenicum
Daltoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27443, RecordID: 20589, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Pérard Distichophyllum mascarenicum
Daltoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8264, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Campylopus arctocarpus
Dicranaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8287, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Campylopus arctocarpus
Dicranaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8222, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Campylopus robillardei
Dicranaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8223, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Campylopus robillardei
Dicranaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24115, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Leucoloma seychellense
Dicranaceae (end)
ImageID: 8207, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Ectropothecium perrotii
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8208, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Ectropothecium perrotii
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8209, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Ectropothecium perrotii
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8195, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Vesicularia albo-viridis
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8196, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Vesicularia albo-viridis
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8197, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Vesicularia albo-viridis
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8198, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Vesicularia albo-viridis
Hypnaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8219, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Aerobryopsis capensis
Meteoriaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25267, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Papillaria africana
Meteoriaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26616, RecordID: 19667, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Porotrichum elongatum
Neckeraceae (ind)
ImageID: 8952, RecordID: 19132, specimen Author: Location: Ile du Nord Octoblepharum albidum
Octoblepharaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26337, RecordID: 19363, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Fond (= Upper Zimbabwe) Octoblepharum albidum
Octoblepharaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26764, RecordID: 19741, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Nid D'Aigles Octoblepharum albidum
Octoblepharaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26765, RecordID: 19741, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Nid D'Aigles Octoblepharum albidum
Octoblepharaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26615, RecordID: 19668, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Aux Cochons (M., = Mare d'Antin) Macromitrium subpungens
Orthotrichaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24762, RecordID: 17703, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vingt Cinq Sous Barbula indica
Pottiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23361, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Pyrrhobryum spiniforme
Rhizogoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 354, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Pyrrhobryum spiniforme
Rhizogoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3194, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pyrrhobryum spiniforme
Rhizogoniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8202, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Acroporium lamprophyllum
Sematophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8203, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Acroporium lamprophyllum
Sematophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4588, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mastigophora diclados
Mastigophoraceae (ind)
ImageID: 128, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mastigophora diclados
Mastigophoraceae (ind)
ImageID: 332, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mastigophora diclados
Mastigophoraceae (ind)
ImageID: 8220, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Mastigophora diclados
Mastigophoraceae (ind)
ImageID: 25144, RecordID: 18124, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Pleurozia gigantea
Pleuroziaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25146, RecordID: 18124, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Pleurozia gigantea
Pleuroziaceae (ind)
ImageID: 223, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Plicanthus hirtellus
Scapaniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 231, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Plicanthus hirtellus
Scapaniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 232, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Plicanthus hirtellus
Scapaniaceae (ind)