Seychelles Plant Gallery - Exotic species
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Abbreviations: end = endemic; ind = indigenous; exo = exotic; LC = Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically endangered
ImageID: 23628, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Asystasia nemorum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 39812, RecordID: 21171, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Asystasia nemorum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 39813, RecordID: 21171, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Asystasia nemorum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11991, RecordID: 14648, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Barleria cristata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12006, RecordID: 14648, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Barleria cristata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11851, RecordID: 2502, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Plaisance Barleria prionitis
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11921, RecordID: 14644, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Brillantaisia owariensis
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11926, RecordID: 14644, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Brillantaisia owariensis
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22022, RecordID: 14842, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Brillantaisia owariensis
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23593, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Crossandra infundibuliformis Crossandra Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23595, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Crossandra infundibuliformis Crossandra Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11856, RecordID: 2506, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Crossandra infundibuliformis Crossandra Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12058, RecordID: 14661, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Graptophyllum pictum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12059, RecordID: 14662, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Graptophyllum pictum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21627, RecordID: 14709, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Graptophyllum pictum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22177, RecordID: 14874, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Fond des Lianes Graptophyllum pictum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11859, RecordID: 2509, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Hemigraphis alternata Red ivy Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11861, RecordID: 2510, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Hemigraphis alternata Red ivy Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53246, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Justicia betonica
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12316, RecordID: 14680, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Justicia betonica
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12319, RecordID: 14680, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Justicia betonica
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23512, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12138, RecordID: 14668, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12238, RecordID: 14668, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12240, RecordID: 14668, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21643, RecordID: 14714, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21644, RecordID: 14714, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21645, RecordID: 14714, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Justicia brandegeana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11853, RecordID: 2505, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Justicia brasiliana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24498, RecordID: 15536, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Justicia brasiliana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24504, RecordID: 15536, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Justicia brasiliana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24505, RecordID: 15536, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Castor Justicia brasiliana
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11866, RecordID: 2587, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Grand Anse Farm Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12057, RecordID: 14660, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22183, RecordID: 14875, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22284, RecordID: 14882, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12022, RecordID: 14650, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bel Air Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Brazilian Red Cloak Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12028, RecordID: 14654, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Brazilian Red Cloak Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12082, RecordID: 14665, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Odontonema cuspidatum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12083, RecordID: 14665, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Odontonema cuspidatum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12100, RecordID: 14665, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Odontonema cuspidatum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22131, RecordID: 14868, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Odontonema cuspidatum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12052, RecordID: 14657, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Pachystachys spicata Panache-D´officier Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12066, RecordID: 14657, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Pachystachys spicata Panache-D´officier Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12097, RecordID: 14657, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Pachystachys spicata Panache-D´officier Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53472, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Phlogacanthus turgidus Café fleur Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53473, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Phlogacanthus turgidus Café fleur Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12106, RecordID: 14666, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Phlogacanthus turgidus Café fleur Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12113, RecordID: 14666, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Phlogacanthus turgidus Café fleur Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25793, RecordID: 19128, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. atropurpureum Tricolore Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25833, RecordID: 19128, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. atropurpureum Tricolore Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25836, RecordID: 19128, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. atropurpureum Tricolore Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11897, RecordID: 14638, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. atropurpureum Tricolore Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26244, RecordID: 19272, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. carruthersii
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26245, RecordID: 19272, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. carruthersii
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11125, RecordID: 13828, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. carruthersii
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11191, RecordID: 13867, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Soleil Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. carruthersii
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22239, RecordID: 14879, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, St. Louis Ruellia melecosperma
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22240, RecordID: 14879, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, St. Louis Ruellia melecosperma
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23015, RecordID: 15171, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bel Air Ruellia tuberosa
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23019, RecordID: 15171, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bel Air Ruellia tuberosa
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23055, RecordID: 15171, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bel Air Ruellia tuberosa
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11911, RecordID: 14642, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sanchezia parvibracteata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11913, RecordID: 14642, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sanchezia parvibracteata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12035, RecordID: 14642, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sanchezia parvibracteata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23651, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Strobilanthes dyerianus Persian shield Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8637, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Thunbergia affinis var. pulvinata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11164, RecordID: 13862, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Thunbergia affinis var. pulvinata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22235, RecordID: 14878, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, St. Louis Thunbergia alata Black eyed susan Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22236, RecordID: 14878, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, St. Louis Thunbergia alata Black eyed susan Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11878, RecordID: 2599, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Bel Ombre Thunbergia erecta Thunbergia Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24079, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Thunbergia fragrans
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24084, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Thunbergia fragrans
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12149, RecordID: 14670, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Thunbergia fragrans
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53752, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Thunbergia grandiflora Blue trumpet vine Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8626, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Thunbergia grandiflora Blue trumpet vine Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12165, RecordID: 14674, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Thunbergia grandiflora Blue trumpet vine Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21823, RecordID: 2559, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Ile Aride Achyranthes aspera Chirugiens?, Herbe sergent, Herbe surgeon? Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21825, RecordID: 2570, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Quatre Bornes Aerva javanica
Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21826, RecordID: 2571, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Alternanthera brasiliana
Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21827, RecordID: 2572, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, La Gogue Alternanthera sessilis Brede emballage Amaranthaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 24790, RecordID: 17711, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Alternanthera sessilis Brede emballage Amaranthaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 21830, RecordID: 2607, specimen Author: Fosberg, Francis Raymond Location: Cousin Amaranthus caudatus
Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21828, RecordID: 2579, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Amaranthus dubius Brede malabar, Brede parietare Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21829, RecordID: 2611, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Desnoeufs Amaranthus viridis Brede malabar Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23772, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Celosia argentea Cock's comb, Crete de coq Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52923, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Celosia argentea Cock's comb, Crete de coq Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23457, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Celosia argentea Cock's comb, Crete de coq Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21831, RecordID: 2612, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Takamaka (M.) Celosia argentea Cock's comb, Crete de coq Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11474, RecordID: , observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Celosia argentea Cock's comb, Crete de coq Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21897, RecordID: 2909, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Aux Pins Chenopodium album
Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21832, RecordID: 2614, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Cyathula prostrata Sergent rouge Amaranthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11820, RecordID: 14629, specimen Author: Fosberg, Francis Raymond Location: Cousin, Roche Canon (Cousin) Lagrezia madagascariensis
Amaranthaceae (exo, CR)
ImageID: 52720, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Anacardium occidentale Acajou, Cashew, Kazou Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5098, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Anacardium occidentale Acajou, Cashew, Kazou Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22856, RecordID: 15006, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Anacardium occidentale Acajou, Cashew, Kazou Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53309, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mangifera indica Mango, Mango tree, Manguier, Pye mang Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24487, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mangifera indica Mango, Mango tree, Manguier, Pye mang Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24490, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mangifera indica Mango, Mango tree, Manguier, Pye mang Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53651, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Schinus terebinthifolius Bois l'encens Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53652, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Schinus terebinthifolius Bois l'encens Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21837, RecordID: 2686, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Le Niol Schinus terebinthifolius Bois l'encens Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26937, RecordID: 20357, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Bastille Schinus terebinthifolius Bois l'encens Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21838, RecordID: 2687, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Sorindeia grandifolia
Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53675, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Spondias cytherea Fruit de cythere, Golden apple Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53677, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Spondias cytherea Fruit de cythere, Golden apple Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21839, RecordID: 2688, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Spondias cytherea Fruit de cythere, Golden apple Anacardiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52777, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Annona diversifolia Corossol de france, Ilama Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21840, RecordID: 2690, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Etoile Annona glabra
Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11213, RecordID: 13874, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Annona glabra
Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11214, RecordID: 13874, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Annona glabra
Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24028, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Annona muricata Corossol, Soursop Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52778, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Annona muricata Corossol, Soursop Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27075, RecordID: 20518, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Anse Badamien (Cur.) Annona muricata Corossol, Soursop Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27077, RecordID: 20518, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Curieuse, Anse Badamien (Cur.) Annona muricata Corossol, Soursop Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24011, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Annona reticulata Bullock's heart, Coeur de boeuf Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52779, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Annona reticulata Bullock's heart, Coeur de boeuf Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52780, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Annona reticulata Bullock's heart, Coeur de boeuf Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21841, RecordID: 2693, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Ile du Nord Annona reticulata Bullock's heart, Coeur de boeuf Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21842, RecordID: 2696, specimen Author: Fosberg, Francis Raymond Location: Cousin Annona squamosa Attier, Custard apple, Sweetsop, Zatte Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11037, RecordID: 13853, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cananga odorata Ylang ylang Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11977, RecordID: 14646, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Cananga odorata Ylang ylang Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26735, RecordID: 19717, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Cananga odorata Ylang ylang Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11420, RecordID: 13925, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula
Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11421, RecordID: 13925, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula
Annonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8647, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Allamanda cathartica Alamanda jaune, Alamanda jaune grand, Alamanda zonn Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11390, RecordID: 13905, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Allamanda cathartica Alamanda jaune, Alamanda jaune grand, Alamanda zonn Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52709, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Allamanda violacea Alamanda mauve Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52710, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Allamanda violacea Alamanda mauve Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23478, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Allamanda violacea Alamanda mauve Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21843, RecordID: 2701, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Allamanda violacea Alamanda mauve Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 510, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Alstonia macrophylla Bois jaune, Bwa zonn, Devil tree Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11570, RecordID: 13946, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Alstonia macrophylla Bois jaune, Bwa zonn, Devil tree Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11587, RecordID: 13946, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Alstonia macrophylla Bois jaune, Bwa zonn, Devil tree Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21859, RecordID: 2519, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: La Digue, La Passe Asclepias curassavica
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23453, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Beaumontia grandiflora Easter lily vine Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22797, RecordID: 15191, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Beaumontia grandiflora Easter lily vine Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22798, RecordID: 15191, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Beaumontia grandiflora Easter lily vine Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21860, RecordID: 2520, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Calotropis gigantea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 19908, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Calotropis gigantea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23653, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle, Periwinkle, Pervenche, Rose amere, Saponaire Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52922, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle, Periwinkle, Pervenche, Rose amere, Saponaire Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11212, RecordID: 13872, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Seychelles International Airport Cryptostegia grandiflora
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11242, RecordID: 13872, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Seychelles International Airport Cryptostegia grandiflora
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53046, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53049, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53038, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22167, RecordID: 14872, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22169, RecordID: 14872, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21845, RecordID: 2737, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Funtumia elastica
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22288, RecordID: 14883, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Funtumia elastica
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21864, RecordID: 2525, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Mahé, Le Niol Gomphocarpus physocarpus
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23454, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Huernia hislopii
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53200, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Kopsia arborea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53202, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Kopsia arborea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53203, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Kopsia arborea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21847, RecordID: 2739, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Kopsia arborea
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23600, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Kopsia fruticosa Kopsia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53259, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Kopsia fruticosa Kopsia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21846, RecordID: 2738, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Kopsia fruticosa Kopsia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53314, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mascarenhasia arborescens
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53316, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mascarenhasia arborescens
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21848, RecordID: 2740, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Mission Mascarenhasia arborescens
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53395, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Nerium oleander Laurier rose, Oleander Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23474, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Nerium oleander Laurier rose, Oleander Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23813, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Plumeria obtusa Frangipane blanc Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23814, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Plumeria obtusa Frangipane blanc Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23817, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Plumeria obtusa Frangipane blanc Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11027, RecordID: 13835, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Plumeria pudica
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23157, RecordID: 15198, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Plumeria pudica
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53501, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Plumeria rubra Frangipane rouge Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53503, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Plumeria rubra Frangipane rouge Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23623, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Tabernaemontana divaricata Café fleur, Crape jasmin, Gardenia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23624, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Tabernaemontana divaricata Café fleur, Crape jasmin, Gardenia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23462, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Tabernaemontana divaricata Café fleur, Crape jasmin, Gardenia Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11737, RecordID: 14609, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Thevetia peruviana Lucky nut, Yellow oleander Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21852, RecordID: 2757, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Willughbeia edulis
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21853, RecordID: 2757, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Willughbeia edulis
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23529, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Polyscias cumingiana
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26697, RecordID: 19674, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Polyscias cumingiana
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21857, RecordID: 2517, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Polyscias fruticosa Arbuste Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53510, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Polyscias guilfoylei
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21858, RecordID: 2518, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Port Glaud Polyscias guilfoylei
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26789, RecordID: 19813, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Polyscias guilfoylei
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26790, RecordID: 19814, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Polyscias scutellaria Geranium leaf aralia Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26873, RecordID: 20034, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Polyscias scutellaria Geranium leaf aralia Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26875, RecordID: 20034, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Polyscias scutellaria Geranium leaf aralia Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53645, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Schefflera actinophylla Arbre ombrelle, Arbre pieuvre, Octopus tree Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8609, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Schefflera actinophylla Arbre ombrelle, Arbre pieuvre, Octopus tree Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52600, RecordID: 21993, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Schefflera actinophylla Arbre ombrelle, Arbre pieuvre, Octopus tree Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53275, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Schefflera octophylla
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21856, RecordID: 2773, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Schefflera octophylla
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22774, RecordID: 15186, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Schefflera octophylla
Araliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21628, RecordID: 14710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Aristolochia elegans Dutchman's pipe, Pti kanar Aristolochiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21630, RecordID: 14710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Aristolochia elegans Dutchman's pipe, Pti kanar Aristolochiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22243, RecordID: 14710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Aristolochia elegans Dutchman's pipe, Pti kanar Aristolochiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21908, RecordID: 2631, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ageratum conyzoides Babouc, Zerisson blanc Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 52822, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ayapana triplinervis Ayapana Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21909, RecordID: 2633, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Silhouette, Grand Barbe Ayapana triplinervis Ayapana Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 22073, RecordID: 14853, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Ayapana triplinervis Ayapana Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 22074, RecordID: 14853, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Ayapana triplinervis Ayapana Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21910, RecordID: 7329, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé Bidens pilosa Black jack, Herbe clausette, La ville-bague, Spanish needle Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23520, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Chrysanthemum indicum Chrysanthemum, Saint andre Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21911, RecordID: 2931, specimen Author: Kingsland, G.C. Location: Mahé, Fairview Coreopsis lanceolata
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23389, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Cosmos sulphureus
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23391, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Cosmos sulphureus
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21912, RecordID: 2932, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Elephantopus mollis Herbe la jouissance, Herbe liberalis, Herbe tabac Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21702, RecordID: 14728, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Elephantopus mollis Herbe la jouissance, Herbe liberalis, Herbe tabac Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21703, RecordID: 14728, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Elephantopus mollis Herbe la jouissance, Herbe liberalis, Herbe tabac Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21706, RecordID: 14728, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Elephantopus mollis Herbe la jouissance, Herbe liberalis, Herbe tabac Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21913, RecordID: 2937, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Ile du Nord Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21992, RecordID: 14837, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21993, RecordID: 14837, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21995, RecordID: 14837, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 26709, RecordID: 19680, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 26767, RecordID: 19749, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 47620, RecordID: 21799, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Emilia sonchifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21914, RecordID: 2938, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Fairview Erigeron karvinskianus
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21915, RecordID: 2939, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Montagne Posée Gaillardia pulchella Gaillardia Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23729, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Helianthus annuus Sunflower, Toumesol Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21916, RecordID: 2984, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Launaea intybacea Lasteron Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21918, RecordID: 2988, specimen Author: Fosberg, Francis Raymond Location: Aldabra Melanthera biflora
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21919, RecordID: 2991, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Parthenium hysterophorus Herbe blanche Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21920, RecordID: 2992, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Grand Bois (near Varigault) Sigesbeckia orientalis Herbe de flaque, Herbe guerit vite Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21921, RecordID: 2998, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Silhouette, Grebau Synedrella nodiflora
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21922, RecordID: 3001, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Union Vale Tithonia diversifolia
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21923, RecordID: 3002, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Tridax procumbens Herbe caille Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21924, RecordID: 3010, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Vernonia cinerea Herbe de flaque, Herbe guerit vite Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 22027, RecordID: 14844, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Vernonia cinerea Herbe de flaque, Herbe guerit vite Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 22032, RecordID: 14844, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Vernonia cinerea Herbe de flaque, Herbe guerit vite Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21926, RecordID: 3023, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: D'Arros Wedelia trilobata
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21927, RecordID: 3026, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Youngia japonica
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23527, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Impatiens balsamina Balsam Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53217, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Impatiens balsamina Balsam Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23121, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Impatiens balsamina Balsam Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53218, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Impatiens walleriana Balsamine, Busy lizzie Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21871, RecordID: 2781, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Capucins (near Mission) Impatiens walleriana Balsamine, Busy lizzie Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11261, RecordID: 13894, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Impatiens walleriana Balsamine, Busy lizzie Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11262, RecordID: 13894, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Impatiens walleriana Balsamine, Busy lizzie Balsaminaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52852, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Begonia coccinea Angel wing begonia Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52853, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Begonia coccinea Angel wing begonia Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24078, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Begonia humilis Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21872, RecordID: 2784, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Begonia humilis Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22039, RecordID: 14846, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Begonia humilis Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22040, RecordID: 14846, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Begonia humilis Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22035, RecordID: 14845, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22037, RecordID: 14845, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24468, RecordID: 15468, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24471, RecordID: 15468, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24472, RecordID: 15468, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25373, RecordID: 18413, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25376, RecordID: 18413, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22913, RecordID: 15016, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Crescentia cujete Calabassier Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22914, RecordID: 15016, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Crescentia cujete Calabassier Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21873, RecordID: 2878, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Macfadyena uncata
Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21874, RecordID: 2875, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Les Mamelles Village Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat’s claw creeper Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8575, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat’s claw creeper Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8606, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat’s claw creeper Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22804, RecordID: 14999, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat’s claw creeper Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22947, RecordID: 15013, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat’s claw creeper Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21783, RecordID: 14748, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21784, RecordID: 14748, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21810, RecordID: 14748, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21812, RecordID: 14748, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52647, RecordID: 22096, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52649, RecordID: 22096, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52659, RecordID: 22096, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52660, RecordID: 22096, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52671, RecordID: 22096, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21875, RecordID: 2879, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23125, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21804, RecordID: 14742, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21806, RecordID: 14742, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22807, RecordID: 14993, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22810, RecordID: 14993, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork tree Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21876, RecordID: 2881, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Saritaea magnifica
Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22067, RecordID: 14851, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Saritaea magnifica
Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53668, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Spathodea campanulata
Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21878, RecordID: 2882, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé Spathodea campanulata
Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53718, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53720, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2796, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6798, RecordID: 2, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25927, RecordID: 19201, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25929, RecordID: 19201, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Tabebuia pallida Calice du pape, Kalis-di-pap, Tecoma, White cedar Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21792, RecordID: 14740, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Tabebuia rosea Calice du pape, Pink poui, Tecoma rose Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21793, RecordID: 14740, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Tabebuia rosea Calice du pape, Pink poui, Tecoma rose Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26240, RecordID: 19270, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Tecoma stans Tecoma à fleurs jaunes Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26241, RecordID: 19270, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Tecoma stans Tecoma à fleurs jaunes Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21877, RecordID: 3242, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Tecoma stans Tecoma à fleurs jaunes Bignoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21880, RecordID: 3244, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Le Niol Cordia alliodora Laurel Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21879, RecordID: 3245, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Cordia alliodora Laurel Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21882, RecordID: 3246, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Cordia lutea
Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52975, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cordia myxa Glue tree, Lacolle Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52976, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cordia myxa Glue tree, Lacolle Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21881, RecordID: 3247, specimen Author: Brunet, N.\\Warman, S.R. Location: Ile Aride Cordia myxa Glue tree, Lacolle Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52979, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cordia sebestena Geiger tree Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11380, RecordID: 13901, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Cordia sebestena Geiger tree Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5084, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Heliotropium indicum Herbe papillon Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5086, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Heliotropium indicum Herbe papillon Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5087, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Heliotropium indicum Herbe papillon Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26425, RecordID: 19653, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Heliotropium indicum Herbe papillon Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53214, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hylocereus undatus Night blooming cereus, Queen of the night Cactaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8912, RecordID: 15193, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile du Nord Hylocereus undatus Night blooming cereus, Queen of the night Cactaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8913, RecordID: 15193, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile du Nord Hylocereus undatus Night blooming cereus, Queen of the night Cactaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11891, RecordID: 14636, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Opuntia tuna Racquette Cactaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53196, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hippobroma longiflora Herbe poison, Star of bethlehem Campanulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53197, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hippobroma longiflora Herbe poison, Star of bethlehem Campanulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22052, RecordID: 14849, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Hippobroma longiflora Herbe poison, Star of bethlehem Campanulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22054, RecordID: 14849, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Hippobroma longiflora Herbe poison, Star of bethlehem Campanulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21890, RecordID: 3288, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Frégate Cleome gynandra
Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21886, RecordID: 3276, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Cleome speciosa
Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21887, RecordID: 3277, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Aldabra Cleome strigosa Bred caya Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21888, RecordID: 3283, specimen Author: Todd, D.M. Location: Frégate Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65684, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65686, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65688, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65692, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65696, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65703, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65712, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65713, RecordID: 22100, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Cleome viscosa Pissat de chine Capparaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21891, RecordID: 2944, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, La Misère Lonicera japonica Chevre feuille, Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12322, RecordID: 14681, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Sambucus canadensis Elder, Sureau Caprifoliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12329, RecordID: 14681, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Sambucus canadensis Elder, Sureau Caprifoliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23442, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Carica papaya Melon tree, Papayer, Papayier, Pawpaw, Pawpaw tree, Pye papay Caricaceae (exo)
ImageID: 549, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Carica papaya Melon tree, Papayer, Papayier, Pawpaw, Pawpaw tree, Pye papay Caricaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11203, RecordID: 13871, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Fairyland Carica papaya Melon tree, Papayer, Papayier, Pawpaw, Pawpaw tree, Pye papay Caricaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23165, RecordID: 15203, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Carica papaya Melon tree, Papayer, Papayier, Pawpaw, Pawpaw tree, Pye papay Caricaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21892, RecordID: 2949, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Bel Ombre Drymaria cordata
Caryophyllaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11223, RecordID: 13883, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Drymaria cordata
Caryophyllaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21893, RecordID: 2902, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Elaeodendron orientale Bois d'olive Celastraceae (exo)
ImageID: 21894, RecordID: 2902, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Elaeodendron orientale Bois d'olive Celastraceae (exo)
ImageID: 2432, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Chrysobalanus icaco Coco plum, Cocoplum, Prin-de-Frans, Prune de france Chrysobalanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2437, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Chrysobalanus icaco Coco plum, Cocoplum, Prin-de-Frans, Prune de france Chrysobalanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21899, RecordID: 2916, specimen Author: Hook, John Location: Mahé Parinari curatellifolia
Chrysobalanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22518, RecordID: 14894, observed Author: LaBuschagne, Matthieu Location: Praslin, Fond Dalbaretz Calophyllum parviflorum Takamaka madagascar Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11654, RecordID: 13962, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bassin bleu Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen, Mangoustan pourpre Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11655, RecordID: 13962, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bassin bleu Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen, Mangoustan pourpre Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11656, RecordID: 13962, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bassin bleu Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen, Mangoustan pourpre Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11403, RecordID: 13910, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Garcinia xanthochymus Mangoustan jaune (aigre) Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11405, RecordID: 13910, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Garcinia xanthochymus Mangoustan jaune (aigre) Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53459, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pentadesma butyracea Bois beurre, Butter nut tree Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2799, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Pentadesma butyracea Bois beurre, Butter nut tree Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2802, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Pentadesma butyracea Bois beurre, Butter nut tree Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23293, RecordID: 15230, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Major Pentadesma butyracea Bois beurre, Butter nut tree Clusiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21900, RecordID: 2917, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Bel Ombre Cochlospermum vitifolium
Cochlospermaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52974, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Combretum constrictum
Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21637, RecordID: 14712, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Combretum constrictum
Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21638, RecordID: 14712, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Combretum constrictum
Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21639, RecordID: 14712, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Combretum constrictum
Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54004, RecordID: 22099, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Combretum constrictum
Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8639, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Quisqualis indica Chinese honeysuckle, Lalyann vermiuz, Liane vermifuge, Orientale, Rangoon creeper, Santonine Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21928, RecordID: 3029, specimen Author: Procter, John Location: Curieuse Ipomoea aquatica Bred chinois, Bred lamar, Bred lanmar, Cresson chinois Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21929, RecordID: 3036, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Ipomoea cairica Cairo morning glory, Railway creeper Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2715, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Ipomoea cairica Cairo morning glory, Railway creeper Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21561, RecordID: 14692, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea cairica Cairo morning glory, Railway creeper Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21933, RecordID: 3038, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Ile Denis Ipomoea coccinea
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21930, RecordID: 3037, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Ipomoea fistulosa
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21934, RecordID: 3039, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Anse Etoile Ipomoea fistulosa
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21564, RecordID: 14693, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea nil
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21565, RecordID: 14693, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea nil
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21566, RecordID: 14693, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Ipomoea nil
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23049, RecordID: 15176, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Ipomoea nil
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23050, RecordID: 15176, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Ipomoea nil
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53234, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ipomoea obscura Liane maron, Liane marron, Titoupi Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26846, RecordID: 19823, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Cap Bayard Ipomoea obscura Liane maron, Liane marron, Titoupi Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 47653, RecordID: 21810, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Conception Ipomoea obscura Liane maron, Liane marron, Titoupi Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21939, RecordID: 2641, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Ile Platte (Coëtivy) Ipomoea tuba
Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21932, RecordID: 3159, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Porana volubilis Bridal bouquet, Liane de mai Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21931, RecordID: 3158, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Sweet Escott Road Poranopsis paniculata Liane de mai, Snow vine Convolvulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53251, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri
Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12047, RecordID: 14656, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri
Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12061, RecordID: 14656, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri
Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24443, RecordID: 17567, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Kalanchoe pinnata Baume sans sentiment, Leaf of life, Sans sentiment, Soudefaffe Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24444, RecordID: 17567, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Kalanchoe pinnata Baume sans sentiment, Leaf of life, Sans sentiment, Soudefaffe Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24445, RecordID: 17567, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Kalanchoe pinnata Baume sans sentiment, Leaf of life, Sans sentiment, Soudefaffe Crassulaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21941, RecordID: 3167, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Cucumis melo Canteloupe melon, Melon de france, Vatangue Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23996, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Cucurbita maxima Squash Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23998, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Cucurbita maxima Squash Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21942, RecordID: 3168, specimen Author: Brunet, N.\\Warman, S.R. Location: Ile Aride Cucurbita moschata Giraumon, Patisson, Pumpkin Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53261, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lagenaria siceraria Bottle gourd, Calebasse Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53264, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lagenaria siceraria Bottle gourd, Calebasse Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53354, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Momordica charantia Bitter gourd, Margoze Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21943, RecordID: 3170, specimen Author: Friedmann, Francis Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Momordica charantia Bitter gourd, Margoze Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22259, RecordID: 15130, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Momordica charantia Bitter gourd, Margoze Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22261, RecordID: 15130, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Momordica charantia Bitter gourd, Margoze Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53762, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Trichosanthes cucumerina Patole, Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12170, RecordID: 14675, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Trichosanthes cucumerina Patole, Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12171, RecordID: 14675, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Trichosanthes cucumerina Patole, Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12173, RecordID: 14675, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Trichosanthes cucumerina Patole, Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53073, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dillenia indica Elephant apple, Gaufrier, Grain mon pere Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23895, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Dillenia suffruticosa Bois rouge blanc Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53079, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dillenia suffruticosa Bois rouge blanc Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21790, RecordID: 14739, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Dillenia suffruticosa Bois rouge blanc Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24460, RecordID: 17573, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, La Gogue Dillenia suffruticosa Bois rouge blanc Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24461, RecordID: 17573, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, La Gogue Dillenia suffruticosa Bois rouge blanc Dilleniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53086, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26935, RecordID: 20356, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Bastille Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52617, RecordID: 22057, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52618, RecordID: 22057, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52621, RecordID: 22057, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52622, RecordID: 22057, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Diospyros philippensis
Ebenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20030, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Acalypha hispida Queue de chatte, Queue de mimi, Red hot cat's tails Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26243, RecordID: 19271, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Acalypha hispida Queue de chatte, Queue de mimi, Red hot cat's tails Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11228, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Acalypha indica Herbe chatte Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23747, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Acalypha wilkesiana Acalypha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11395, RecordID: 13907, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Acalypha wilkesiana Acalypha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52701, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Aleurites moluccana Bankul, Candle nut tree Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52703, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Aleurites moluccana Bankul, Candle nut tree Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12144, RecordID: 14669, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Aleurites moluccana Bankul, Candle nut tree Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12146, RecordID: 14669, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Aleurites moluccana Bankul, Candle nut tree Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23530, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Codiaeum variegatum Croton Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52962, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Codiaeum variegatum Croton Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53122, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Euphorbia hirta Jean robert Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11227, RecordID: 13884, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Euphorbia hirta Jean robert Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11225, RecordID: 13885, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Euphorbia prostrata Trainasse blanche, Trainasse rouge Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23169, RecordID: 15206, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Euphorbia tirucalli Bois malgache, Calli, Tirucalli Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23769, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23807, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23077, RecordID: 15179, observed Author: Uranie, Prichilla Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23078, RecordID: 15180, observed Author: Uranie, Prichilla Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23079, RecordID: 15181, observed Author: Uranie, Prichilla Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23081, RecordID: 15182, observed Author: Uranie, Prichilla Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23088, RecordID: 15184, observed Author: Uranie, Prichilla Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Euphorbia x lomi Crown of Thorns Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53180, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hevea brasiliensis Caoutchouc, Rubber Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53182, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hevea brasiliensis Caoutchouc, Rubber Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11663, RecordID: 13964, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Bassin bleu Hevea brasiliensis Caoutchouc, Rubber Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23742, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Jatropha integerrima Arbre corail, Spicy Jatropha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53244, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Jatropha integerrima Arbre corail, Spicy Jatropha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11385, RecordID: 13904, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Jatropha integerrima Arbre corail, Spicy Jatropha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11386, RecordID: 13904, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Jatropha integerrima Arbre corail, Spicy Jatropha Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23159, RecordID: 15200, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Jatropha multifida Arbre corail, Coral plant Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22776, RecordID: 15187, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Jatropha podagrica Arbre corail petit, Gout foot Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22125, RecordID: 14867, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Manihot esculenta Cassava, Manioc, Tapioca Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22128, RecordID: 14867, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Manihot esculenta Cassava, Manioc, Tapioca Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22130, RecordID: 14867, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Manihot esculenta Cassava, Manioc, Tapioca Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53451, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pedilanthus tithymaloides Bois mal gaz, Slipper flower Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11391, RecordID: 13906, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Pedilanthus tithymaloides Bois mal gaz, Slipper flower Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11393, RecordID: 13906, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Pedilanthus tithymaloides Bois mal gaz, Slipper flower Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12334, RecordID: 14682, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Phyllanthus amarus Curanellie blanche Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 707, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Phyllanthus amarus Curanellie blanche Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53597, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ricinus communis Castor, Palma christi, Ricin, Tantan Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53598, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ricinus communis Castor, Palma christi, Ricin, Tantan Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 46, RecordID: 13820, specimen Author: Joubert, Flavien Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 49, RecordID: 13820, specimen Author: Joubert, Flavien Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 50, RecordID: 13820, specimen Author: Joubert, Flavien Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52, RecordID: 13820, specimen Author: Joubert, Flavien Location: Mahé, Anse Royale Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25914, RecordID: 19186, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25916, RecordID: 19186, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25917, RecordID: 19186, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Acacia concinna Ronce Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6960, RecordID: 390, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Albizia lebbeck Bois noir, Woman's tongue Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11131, RecordID: 13834, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Réduit Albizia lebbeck Bois noir, Woman's tongue Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23073, RecordID: 15178, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Machabée Alysicarpus vaginalis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23075, RecordID: 15178, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Machabée Alysicarpus vaginalis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23076, RecordID: 15178, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Machabée Alysicarpus vaginalis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52849, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Bauhinia variegata Bauhinia, Bois de boeuf , Sabot boeuf Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52850, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Bauhinia variegata Bauhinia, Bois de boeuf , Sabot boeuf Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21572, RecordID: 14694, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Bauhinia variegata Bauhinia, Bois de boeuf , Sabot boeuf Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52874, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Brownea grandiceps Rose of venezuela Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52875, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Brownea grandiceps Rose of venezuela Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52876, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Brownea grandiceps Rose of venezuela Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52877, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Brownea grandiceps Rose of venezuela Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23784, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Aigrette, Poincillade, Pride of barbados Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23785, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Aigrette, Poincillade, Pride of barbados Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23786, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Aigrette, Poincillade, Pride of barbados Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23492, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Aigrette, Poincillade, Pride of barbados Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52884, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cajanus cajan Ambrevade, Pigeon pea, Red gram Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52887, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cajanus cajan Ambrevade, Pigeon pea, Red gram Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23620, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23621, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52889, RecordID: 22095, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52890, RecordID: 22095, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52892, RecordID: 22095, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Botanical Garden (Mont Fleuri) Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52893, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Calliandra surinamensis Calliandra Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52896, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Calliandra surinamensis Calliandra Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23158, RecordID: 15199, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Calliandra surinamensis Calliandra Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54005, RecordID: , observed Author: Faurie, Karin Location: Praslin, Anse Kerlan Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54007, RecordID: , observed Author: Faurie, Karin Location: Praslin, Anse Kerlan Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52917, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52919, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52920, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11450, RecordID: 13927, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Barbarons Cassia fistula Butor, Caneficier, Cassie, Indian laburnum Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52958, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Clitoria ternatea Iiane madame, Liane madame, Liane ternate, Pistache marronne Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52960, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Clitoria ternatea Iiane madame, Liane madame, Liane ternate, Pistache marronne Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11750, RecordID: 14612, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Crotalaria pallida Cascavelle trois feuilles Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11751, RecordID: 14612, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Crotalaria pallida Cascavelle trois feuilles Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22842, RecordID: 14996, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22846, RecordID: 14996, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22847, RecordID: 14996, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27625, RecordID: 20705, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27626, RecordID: 20705, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27630, RecordID: 20705, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Crotalaria retusa Shack shack Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53051, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynometra cauliflora Nam nam Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53052, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynometra cauliflora Nam nam Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53055, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynometra cauliflora Nam nam Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11647, RecordID: 13966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Desmanthus virgatus Petit cassie Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11648, RecordID: 13966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Desmanthus virgatus Petit cassie Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11649, RecordID: 13966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Desmanthus virgatus Petit cassie Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21711, RecordID: 14729, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 587, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 586, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65173, RecordID: 22104, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65176, RecordID: 22104, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65180, RecordID: 22104, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65181, RecordID: 22104, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Desmodium incanum Gros trèfle, Trefle petit Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 45949, RecordID: 21643, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Anse Lascars Nord Entada rheedei
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 45950, RecordID: 21643, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Anse Lascars Nord Entada rheedei
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6981, RecordID: 487, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Falcataria moluccana Albizia, Albizzia Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6982, RecordID: 487, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Falcataria moluccana Albizia, Albizzia Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6983, RecordID: 487, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rende D'Avance Falcataria moluccana Albizia, Albizzia Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12300, RecordID: 14679, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Flemingia strobilifera Napoleon Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11627, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Flemingia strobilifera Napoleon Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11797, RecordID: 14626, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Leucaena leucocephala Cassie, Kasi, Wild tamarind Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11799, RecordID: 14626, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Leucaena leucocephala Cassie, Kasi, Wild tamarind Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11800, RecordID: 14626, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Leucaena leucocephala Cassie, Kasi, Wild tamarind Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11812, RecordID: 14626, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Leucaena leucocephala Cassie, Kasi, Wild tamarind Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53339, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mimosa pudica Herbe sensible, Sensitive plants, Shame plant Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53340, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mimosa pudica Herbe sensible, Sensitive plants, Shame plant Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53453, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Peltogyne recifensis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53455, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Peltogyne recifensis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53456, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Peltogyne recifensis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11832, RecordID: 14617, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Peltophorum pterocarpum Calice?, Yellow flame Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53480, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pithecellobium unguis-cati Campèche, Kanpes Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53481, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pithecellobium unguis-cati Campèche, Kanpes Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53482, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pithecellobium unguis-cati Campèche, Kanpes Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11789, RecordID: 14622, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Pithecellobium unguis-cati Campèche, Kanpes Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6794, RecordID: 77, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Pterocarpus indicus Bloodwood, Sangdragon Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53632, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Saraca indica Indonesia asoka Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11245, RecordID: 13888, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Senna alata Candle bush, Catepan, Quatre épingles, Ringworm plant Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53658, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Senna occidentalis Casse puante, Stinking weed Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53659, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Senna occidentalis Casse puante, Stinking weed Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53660, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Senna pendula
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53661, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Senna pendula
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11644, RecordID: 13965, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Senna surattensis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11645, RecordID: 13965, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Senna surattensis
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22329, RecordID: 14892, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Tadehagi triquetrum subsp. auriculatum Trefle gros Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22333, RecordID: 14892, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Tadehagi triquetrum subsp. auriculatum Trefle gros Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53737, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tamarindus indica Tamare, Tamaren, Tamarin, Tamarind, Tamarindt, Tamarinier Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8505, RecordID: 2235, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Frégate Tephrosia noctiflora
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21979, RecordID: 14833, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Trachylobium verrucosum Copalier, Gum copal Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23465, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Pelargonium zonale Geranium Geraniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65671, RecordID: 22101, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Chrysothemis pulchella Black Flamingo, Copper Leaf Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65674, RecordID: 22101, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Chrysothemis pulchella Black Flamingo, Copper Leaf Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23508, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Episcia cupreata Flame violet Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53112, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Episcia cupreata Flame violet Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53113, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Episcia cupreata Flame violet Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8591, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Episcia cupreata Flame violet Gesneriaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23918, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Ocimum gratissimum Basilic grande feuille, Gros basilic Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22112, RecordID: 14863, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Ocimum gratissimum Basilic grande feuille, Gros basilic Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22114, RecordID: 14863, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Ocimum gratissimum Basilic grande feuille, Gros basilic Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24040, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Plectranthus amboinicus Baume, Gros baume, Indian borage Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11254, RecordID: 13890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Plectranthus scutellarioides
Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53504, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pogostemon heyneanus Patchouli Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24544, RecordID: 15641, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Pogostemon heyneanus Patchouli Lamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2425, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Cinnamomum verum Cannelier, Cannelle, Cannellier, Cinnamon, Kanel, Kannel Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 2426, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Cinnamomum verum Cannelier, Cannelle, Cannellier, Cinnamon, Kanel, Kannel Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 2506, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Cinnamomum verum Cannelier, Cannelle, Cannellier, Cinnamon, Kanel, Kannel Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 52536, RecordID: 18174, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Cinnamomum verum Cannelier, Cannelle, Cannellier, Cinnamon, Kanel, Kannel Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 25913, RecordID: 19185, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Cinnamomum verum Cannelier, Cannelle, Cannellier, Cinnamon, Kanel, Kannel Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23892, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Litsea glutinosa Avocat marron , Bois d'oiseau, Bois zoizo, Bwa zozo Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 12152, RecordID: 14645, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Litsea glutinosa Avocat marron , Bois d'oiseau, Bois zoizo, Bwa zozo Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 12153, RecordID: 14645, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Litsea glutinosa Avocat marron , Bois d'oiseau, Bois zoizo, Bwa zozo Lauraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23701, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24062, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53007, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24058, RecordID: , observed Author: Valmont, Patrick Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20250, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54013, RecordID: , observed Author: Caillot, Caroline Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Lagerstroemia indica Crape myrtle, Goyavier fleurs, Indian lilac Lythraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53267, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lagerstroemia speciosa Pride of india, Queen's flower Lythraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53268, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Lagerstroemia speciosa Pride of india, Queen's flower Lythraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53577, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Punica granatum Grenadier, Pomegranate Lythraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23176, RecordID: 15211, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Bel Ombre Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage, Liane cerf (Maurice), Liane Cythere (Reunion), Liane papillon Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25890, RecordID: 19138, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage, Liane cerf (Maurice), Liane Cythere (Reunion), Liane papillon Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25940, RecordID: 19221, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage, Liane cerf (Maurice), Liane Cythere (Reunion), Liane papillon Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25943, RecordID: 19221, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage, Liane cerf (Maurice), Liane Cythere (Reunion), Liane papillon Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25945, RecordID: 19221, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage, Liane cerf (Maurice), Liane Cythere (Reunion), Liane papillon Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23739, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Malpighia coccigera
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23697, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Malpighia coccigera
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54020, RecordID: , observed Author: Caillot, Caroline Location: Mahé, Port Launay Tristellateia australasiae
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54022, RecordID: , observed Author: Caillot, Caroline Location: Mahé, Port Launay Tristellateia australasiae
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54023, RecordID: , observed Author: Caillot, Caroline Location: Mahé, Port Launay Tristellateia australasiae
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11015, RecordID: 13826, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Tristellateia australasiae
Malpighiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21648, RecordID: 14717, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Abutilon indicum Mauve du pays Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21649, RecordID: 14717, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Abutilon indicum Mauve du pays Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27642, RecordID: 20704, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Abutilon indicum Mauve du pays Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27643, RecordID: 20704, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Abutilon indicum Mauve du pays Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52695, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 10463, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22883, RecordID: 14997, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22884, RecordID: 14997, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22887, RecordID: 14997, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22889, RecordID: 14997, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Adansonia digitata Baobab Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21633, RecordID: 14711, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Gossypium hirsutum Cotonnier, Cotton Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21634, RecordID: 14711, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Gossypium hirsutum Cotonnier, Cotton Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21635, RecordID: 14711, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Gossypium hirsutum Cotonnier, Cotton Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53164, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Guazuma ulmifolia Bastard cedar, Chikrassia Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6990, RecordID: 532, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Guazuma ulmifolia Bastard cedar, Chikrassia Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6991, RecordID: 532, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Guazuma ulmifolia Bastard cedar, Chikrassia Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23683, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23687, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23763, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23446, RecordID: , observed Author: Location: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53183, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21781, RecordID: 14737, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23783, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Hibiscus schizopetalus Coral hibiscus Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53190, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Hibiscus schizopetalus Coral hibiscus Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11613, RecordID: 13956, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Hibiscus surattensis
Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11617, RecordID: 13956, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Hibiscus surattensis
Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22529, RecordID: 13956, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Hibiscus surattensis
Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22079, RecordID: 14855, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Sida acuta Herb dur, La bolze Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22080, RecordID: 14855, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Sida acuta Herb dur, La bolze Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22081, RecordID: 14855, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Chemin du Niol au col de Vingt Cinq Sous Sida acuta Herb dur, La bolze Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11746, RecordID: 14611, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Sida stipulata
Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11748, RecordID: 14611, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Sida stipulata
Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53743, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Theobroma cacao Cacao, Cocoa Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26744, RecordID: 19722, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Theobroma cacao Cacao, Cocoa Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25486, RecordID: 18819, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Triumfetta rhomboidea Herb herisson blanc, Herb panier Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25488, RecordID: 18819, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Baie Chagrin Triumfetta rhomboidea Herb herisson blanc, Herb panier Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27613, RecordID: 20681, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Triumfetta rhomboidea Herb herisson blanc, Herb panier Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27614, RecordID: 20681, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Triumfetta rhomboidea Herb herisson blanc, Herb panier Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27621, RecordID: 20698, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Urena lobata subsp. sinuata Herbe panier, Hérisson rouge Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23440, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Clidemia hirta
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 2551, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Clidemia hirta
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 23546, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53095, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 8579, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 8580, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 24562, RecordID: 15638, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 26182, RecordID: 19193, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 26185, RecordID: 19193, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Glacis (= Mont Howard) Heterotis buettneriana Dissotis, Pink lady Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53329, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Memecylon caeruleum Blue strawberry, Bois démon, Bwa demon Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53330, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Memecylon caeruleum Blue strawberry, Bois démon, Bwa demon Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 2764, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Memecylon caeruleum Blue strawberry, Bois démon, Bwa demon Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53336, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Memecylon umbellatum
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53337, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Memecylon umbellatum
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53756, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tibouchina sp.
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 53758, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Tibouchina sp.
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 2738, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Tibouchina sp.
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 23170, RecordID: 15207, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Tibouchina sp.
Melastomataceae (exo)
ImageID: 25103, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Azadirachta indica
Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25104, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Azadirachta indica
Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2423, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Sandoricum koetjape Santol Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6984, RecordID: 521, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Sandoricum koetjape Santol Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6986, RecordID: 521, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Sandoricum koetjape Santol Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6987, RecordID: 521, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Sandoricum koetjape Santol Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6988, RecordID: 521, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Laurent Sandoricum koetjape Santol Meliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21820, RecordID: 2557, specimen Author: Frazier, J. Location: Archipel des Glorieuses Mollugo nudicaulis
Molluginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52799, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Artocarpus altilis Arbre à pain, Breadfruit, Breadfruit tree, Breadnut, Fruit à pain, Pye friyapen, Rima Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11637, RecordID: 13960, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Buxton Artocarpus altilis Arbre à pain, Breadfruit, Breadfruit tree, Breadnut, Fruit à pain, Pye friyapen, Rima Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 19994, RecordID: 13961, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Artocarpus altilis Arbre à pain, Breadfruit, Breadfruit tree, Breadnut, Fruit à pain, Pye friyapen, Rima Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 19995, RecordID: 13961, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Artocarpus altilis Arbre à pain, Breadfruit, Breadfruit tree, Breadnut, Fruit à pain, Pye friyapen, Rima Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 22877, RecordID: 15012, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Artocarpus altilis Arbre à pain, Breadfruit, Breadfruit tree, Breadnut, Fruit à pain, Pye friyapen, Rima Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 52802, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit, Jacquier, Jak Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 52803, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit, Jacquier, Jak Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 2124, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit, Jacquier, Jak Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 1964, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit, Jacquier, Jak Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 1971, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit, Jacquier, Jak Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53130, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ficus benghalensis Banyan, Lafouche multipliant, Multipliant Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 8454, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ficus benghalensis Banyan, Lafouche multipliant, Multipliant Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11377, RecordID: 13900, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ficus benjamina Afouche batard blanc, Ceylon willow, Java fig, Lafouche batard blanc Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11378, RecordID: 13900, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ficus benjamina Afouche batard blanc, Ceylon willow, Java fig, Lafouche batard blanc Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11379, RecordID: 13900, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ficus benjamina Afouche batard blanc, Ceylon willow, Java fig, Lafouche batard blanc Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11407, RecordID: 13911, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Ficus elastica Rubber tree Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53131, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ficus pumila Creeping fig Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 8581, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ficus pumila Creeping fig Moraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23167, RecordID: 15205, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Moringa oleifera Brede morongue, Horse radish tree Moringaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23168, RecordID: 15205, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Moringa oleifera Brede morongue, Horse radish tree Moringaceae (exo)
ImageID: 4610, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Myristica fragrans Muscadier, Nutmeg Myristicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53387, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Myristica fragrans Muscadier, Nutmeg Myristicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26819, RecordID: 19796, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Dan Miska Myristica fragrans Muscadier, Nutmeg Myristicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26821, RecordID: 19796, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Dan Miska Myristica fragrans Muscadier, Nutmeg Myristicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52792, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ardisia crenata
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52794, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ardisia crenata
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 518, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Ardisia crenata
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 519, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Ardisia crenata
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52797, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52798, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2820, RecordID: 15161, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Cross Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23117, RecordID: 15192, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Mahé, Anse Aux Pins Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25918, RecordID: 19192, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25919, RecordID: 19192, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, La Gogue Ardisia elliptica
Myrsinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11915, RecordID: 14643, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Callistemon speciosus Bottle brush Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11917, RecordID: 14643, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Callistemon speciosus Bottle brush Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25891, RecordID: 19142, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus, Lemon scented gum Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25892, RecordID: 19142, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus, Lemon scented gum Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8044, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eucalyptus robusta Eucalyptus, Iron bark, Swamp mahogany Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8045, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eucalyptus robusta Eucalyptus, Iron bark, Swamp mahogany Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53120, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Eugenia uniflora Pitanga cherry, RoussaiIle, Surinam cherry Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11090, RecordID: 13830, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Eugenia uniflora Pitanga cherry, RoussaiIle, Surinam cherry Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53321, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11825, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11828, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11829, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12037, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12039, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23160, RecordID: 15201, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Pimenta dioica Allspice, Pimento, Quatre-epice Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53538, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Psidium cattleianum Chinese guava, Gouyave de Chine, Goyavier, Goyavier de chine, Goyavier marron, Strawberry guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2942, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Psidium cattleianum Chinese guava, Gouyave de Chine, Goyavier, Goyavier de chine, Goyavier marron, Strawberry guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11166, RecordID: 13863, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Psidium cattleianum Chinese guava, Gouyave de Chine, Goyavier, Goyavier de chine, Goyavier marron, Strawberry guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11167, RecordID: 13863, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Psidium cattleianum Chinese guava, Gouyave de Chine, Goyavier, Goyavier de chine, Goyavier marron, Strawberry guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53549, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Psidium guajava Goyavier, Guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53544, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Psidium guajava Goyavier, Guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11091, RecordID: 13845, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Psidium guajava Goyavier, Guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11092, RecordID: 13845, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Psidium guajava Goyavier, Guava Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22107, RecordID: 14861, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Syzygium aromaticum Clove, Girofleur Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22108, RecordID: 14861, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Syzygium aromaticum Clove, Girofleur Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53683, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium cumini Jamblon, Jamblong, Jambolan, Java plum Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53689, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53690, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53691, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 1517, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 1518, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 1524, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium jambos Jambrosa, Rose apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24030, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24031, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53694, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53698, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53699, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23933, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23934, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 751, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 750, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26830, RecordID: 19818, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26832, RecordID: 19818, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26868, RecordID: 19818, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, Pomerac, Pomme gouverment, Pomme gouvernement Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53702, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium samarangense Jamalac, Jamalac blanc, Jamalac rouge, Java apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53704, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Syzygium samarangense Jamalac, Jamalac blanc, Jamalac rouge, Java apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23921, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Syzygium samarangense Jamalac, Jamalac blanc, Jamalac rouge, Java apple Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23811, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23696, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52869, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52870, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23461, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23471, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23844, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23491, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, Villea Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53348, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mirabilis jalapa Belle de nuit, Four o'clock plant, Marvel of peru Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53351, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mirabilis jalapa Belle de nuit, Four o'clock plant, Marvel of peru Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11397, RecordID: 13908, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Mirabilis jalapa Belle de nuit, Four o'clock plant, Marvel of peru Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11398, RecordID: 13908, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Mirabilis jalapa Belle de nuit, Four o'clock plant, Marvel of peru Nyctaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23439, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Nymphaea caerulea Blue lotus, Lis d'eau, Nenuphar etoile, Tam tam, Water lily Nymphaeaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23606, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Nymphaea caerulea Blue lotus, Lis d'eau, Nenuphar etoile, Tam tam, Water lily Nymphaeaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20044, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Nymphaea caerulea Blue lotus, Lis d'eau, Nenuphar etoile, Tam tam, Water lily Nymphaeaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23664, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23665, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23667, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53405, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53406, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53412, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 7311, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52319, RecordID: 6628, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52320, RecordID: 6628, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52321, RecordID: 6628, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22871, RecordID: 15009, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24453, RecordID: 17571, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, De Quincy Village Ochna kirkii
Ochnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30243, RecordID: 21154, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Orange Tube Night Jasmine Oleaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30244, RecordID: 21154, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Orange Tube Night Jasmine Oleaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30245, RecordID: 21154, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Orange Tube Night Jasmine Oleaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53289, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ludwigia octovalvis
Onagraceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 24781, RecordID: 17709, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Ludwigia octovalvis
Onagraceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 24783, RecordID: 17709, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Ludwigia octovalvis
Onagraceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 26423, RecordID: 19654, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Ludwigia octovalvis
Onagraceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 26424, RecordID: 19654, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Ludwigia octovalvis
Onagraceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 52815, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Averrhoa bilimbi Bilembi, Bilenbi, Bilimbi, Cucumber tree Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54011, RecordID: , observed Author: Puntous, Yvan Location: Averrhoa bilimbi Bilembi, Bilenbi, Bilimbi, Cucumber tree Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24036, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Averrhoa carambola Carambolier Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52820, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Averrhoa carambola Carambolier Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52821, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Averrhoa carambola Carambolier Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23161, RecordID: 15202, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Averrhoa carambola Carambolier Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23162, RecordID: 15202, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Averrhoa carambola Carambolier Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23284, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Oxalis corniculata
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8589, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Oxalis corniculata
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22931, RecordID: 15021, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Oxalis corniculata
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53429, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Oxalis triangularis
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53433, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Oxalis triangularis
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21647, RecordID: 14716, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Oxalis triangularis
Oxalidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53444, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Passiflora edulis Grenadilla, Passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23153, RecordID: 15195, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Passiflora edulis Grenadilla, Passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 26736, RecordID: 19718, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Passiflora edulis Grenadilla, Passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53446, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Passiflora foetida Bonbon plim, Poc-poc, Wild passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23437, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Passiflora foetida Bonbon plim, Poc-poc, Wild passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 4999, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Passiflora foetida Bonbon plim, Poc-poc, Wild passion fruit Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53447, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Passiflora quadrangularis Grenadine Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 53448, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Passiflora quadrangularis Grenadine Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23963, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Passiflora suberosa Lipeca Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11795, RecordID: 14625, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Passiflora suberosa Lipeca Passifloraceae (exo)
ImageID: 26801, RecordID: 19759, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Petit Anse (LD.) Rivina humilis Petite groseille Phytolaccaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26802, RecordID: 19759, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Petit Anse (LD.) Rivina humilis Petite groseille Phytolaccaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26803, RecordID: 19759, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Petit Anse (LD.) Rivina humilis Petite groseille Phytolaccaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11701, RecordID: 14604, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Piper betle Betel Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11702, RecordID: 14604, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Piper betle Betel Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11703, RecordID: 14604, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Piper betle Betel Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26785, RecordID: 19757, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Piper betle Betel Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26786, RecordID: 19757, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Piper betle Betel Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25386, RecordID: 18428, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Piper nigrum Black pepper, Poivre Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25387, RecordID: 18428, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Piper nigrum Black pepper, Poivre Piperaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23551, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Plumbago auriculata Plumbago bleu Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23552, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Plumbago auriculata Plumbago bleu Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23804, RecordID: , observed Author: René, Louisa Location: Plumbago auriculata Plumbago bleu Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11422, RecordID: 13924, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Plumbago auriculata Plumbago bleu Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11423, RecordID: 13924, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Plumbago auriculata Plumbago bleu Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23562, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Plumbago indica Plumbago rose Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23563, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Plumbago indica Plumbago rose Plumbaginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23487, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Antigonon leptopus Antigone, Bride's tears, Coral vine or creeper Polygonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8644, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Antigonon leptopus Antigone, Bride's tears, Coral vine or creeper Polygonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11704, RecordID: 13817, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Triplaris americana Ant tree Polygonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11708, RecordID: 13817, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Triplaris americana Ant tree Polygonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12292, RecordID: 14678, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Triplaris americana Ant tree Polygonaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23849, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Dorian Location: Portulaca grandiflora Gorge tortue, Portulaca Portulacaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23852, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Dorian Location: Portulaca grandiflora Gorge tortue, Portulaca Portulacaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23788, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Portulaca oleracea Portulaca, Pourpier, Purslane Portulacaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53810, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ziziphus mauritiana Jujubier, Masson Rhamnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53813, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ziziphus mauritiana Jujubier, Masson Rhamnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23822, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23699, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23542, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23544, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22099, RecordID: 14859, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Coffea arabica Arabica coffee, Cafeier Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22100, RecordID: 14859, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Coffea arabica Arabica coffee, Cafeier Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22102, RecordID: 14859, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Coffea arabica Arabica coffee, Cafeier Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6590, RecordID: 10837, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Coffea liberica Cafeier, Liberica coffee Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23736, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Ixora coccinea Buisson ardent, Ixora grand fleur rouge?, Ixora orange, Ixora rouge, Jungle flame Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23737, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Ixora coccinea Buisson ardent, Ixora grand fleur rouge?, Ixora orange, Ixora rouge, Jungle flame Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23738, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Ixora coccinea Buisson ardent, Ixora grand fleur rouge?, Ixora orange, Ixora rouge, Jungle flame Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23494, RecordID: , observed Author: Valmont, Patrick Location: Ixora coccinea Buisson ardent, Ixora grand fleur rouge?, Ixora orange, Ixora rouge, Jungle flame Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24493, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ixora finlaysoniana Buison blan, Buisson, Buisson blanc Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11624, RecordID: 13959, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mitracarpus hirtus
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11626, RecordID: 13959, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mitracarpus hirtus
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11620, RecordID: 13958, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11621, RecordID: 13958, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11622, RecordID: 13958, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26795, RecordID: 19816, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26796, RecordID: 19816, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8632, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mussaenda frondosa
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8633, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mussaenda frondosa
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53385, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mussaenda philippica
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53386, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mussaenda philippica
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 19909, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Mussaenda philippica
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11224, RecordID: 13882, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Oldenlandia corymbosa
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12073, RecordID: 14663, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Pentas lanceolata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12125, RecordID: 14667, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Pentas lanceolata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22263, RecordID: 15104, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Pentas lanceolata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53599, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rogiera amoena
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53600, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rogiera amoena
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53603, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rogiera amoena
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23640, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rondeletia odorata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53604, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rondeletia odorata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53606, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Rondeletia odorata
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25897, RecordID: 19146, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Vangueria infausta Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25898, RecordID: 19146, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Vangueria infausta Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53775, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vangueria madagascariensis Tamarind of the indies, Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53778, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vangueria madagascariensis Tamarind of the indies, Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53780, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Vangueria madagascariensis Tamarind of the indies, Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24052, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Vangueria madagascariensis Tamarind of the indies, Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24053, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Vangueria madagascariensis Tamarind of the indies, Vavangue Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52949, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Citrus aurantium Orange mozambique ?(Cr), Oranger, Seville orange(Eng) Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52950, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Citrus aurantium Orange mozambique ?(Cr), Oranger, Seville orange(Eng) Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23914, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Citrus aurantium subsp. bigaradier var. mitis Bigarad, Bigaradier Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26827, RecordID: 19802, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Fond Piment Citrus paradisi var. paradisi Grapefruit (Eng), Pamplemousse ?(Cr) Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26828, RecordID: 19802, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Fond Piment Citrus paradisi var. paradisi Grapefruit (Eng), Pamplemousse ?(Cr) Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21593, RecordID: 14700, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Clausena excavata Cari pile marron Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24755, RecordID: 17705, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Clausena excavata Cari pile marron Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11218, RecordID: 13878, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Murraya koenigii Cari pile Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11219, RecordID: 13878, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Murraya koenigii Cari pile Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53370, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Murraya paniculata Bois buis Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53372, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Murraya paniculata Bois buis Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53374, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Murraya paniculata Bois buis Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26894, RecordID: 20033, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Anse Sévère Murraya paniculata Bois buis Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11097, RecordID: 13831, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Triphasia trifolia Orangine Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11123, RecordID: 13831, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Triphasia trifolia Orangine Rutaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21960, RecordID: 14828, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Flacourtia jangomas Prin di pei, Prune du pays, Prune marron Salicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21961, RecordID: 14828, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Flacourtia jangomas Prin di pei, Prune du pays, Prune marron Salicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 28048, RecordID: 20690, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Marianne Flacourtia jangomas Prin di pei, Prune du pays, Prune marron Salicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11366, RecordID: 13898, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum Balloon vine, Heart seed, Quinquenge Sapindaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11367, RecordID: 13898, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum Balloon vine, Heart seed, Quinquenge Sapindaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11369, RecordID: 13898, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum Balloon vine, Heart seed, Quinquenge Sapindaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11246, RecordID: 13889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Nephelium lappaceum Litchi plume, Rambuttan Sapindaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11249, RecordID: 13889, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Nephelium lappaceum Litchi plume, Rambuttan Sapindaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23097, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Chrysophyllum cainito Star apple Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22901, RecordID: 15014, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Chrysophyllum cainito Star apple Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25110, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25111, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53311, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Manilkara zapota Chico, Sapodilla Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53312, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Manilkara zapota Chico, Sapodilla Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11084, RecordID: 13843, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11085, RecordID: 13843, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11086, RecordID: 13843, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52610, RecordID: 22038, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52611, RecordID: 22038, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52614, RecordID: 22038, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52616, RecordID: 22038, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53514, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pouteria campechiana Egg fruit, Sapote au mexique, Yellow sapote Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53515, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pouteria campechiana Egg fruit, Sapote au mexique, Yellow sapote Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11153, RecordID: 13857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Buxton Russelia equisetiformis Coral plant, Goutte de sang Scrophulariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11154, RecordID: 13857, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Buxton Russelia equisetiformis Coral plant, Goutte de sang Scrophulariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23957, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Striga asiatica Herb de feu, Herbe de riz, Herbe rouge Scrophulariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11723, RecordID: 14606, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Glacis Striga asiatica Herb de feu, Herbe de riz, Herbe rouge Scrophulariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11094, RecordID: 13832, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11096, RecordID: 13832, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25946, RecordID: 19223, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vista Do Mar Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25957, RecordID: 19223, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vista Do Mar Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25958, RecordID: 19223, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vista Do Mar Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25961, RecordID: 19223, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Vista Do Mar Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26859, RecordID: 19895, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Roche Bois Quassia amara Bitter wood, Quassia Simaroubaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20279, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Datura metel Feuille de diable, Fleur poison, Thorn apple Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24048, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Solandra longiflora
Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24049, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Solandra longiflora
Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23768, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Solanum melongena Aubergine, Bringelle, Egg plant Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23524, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Solanum melongena Aubergine, Bringelle, Egg plant Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53665, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Solanum melongena Aubergine, Bringelle, Egg plant Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23181, RecordID: 15215, observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Mahé, Bel Ombre Solanum melongena Aubergine, Bringelle, Egg plant Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11230, RecordID: 13879, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Solanum nigrum Black nightshade, Bred martin Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11231, RecordID: 13879, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Solanum nigrum Black nightshade, Bred martin Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23944, RecordID: , observed Author: Estro, Hamellie Location: Camellia sinensis Tea, Thé Theaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52897, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Camellia sinensis Tea, Thé Theaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52898, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Camellia sinensis Tea, Thé Theaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52900, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Camellia sinensis Tea, Thé Theaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53773, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Turnera angustifolia
Turneraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23130, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Turnera angustifolia
Turneraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11162, RecordID: 13861, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mission Turnera angustifolia
Turneraceae (exo)
ImageID: 11783, RecordID: 14619, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Turnera angustifolia
Turneraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23122, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Pilea cardierei
Urticaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11155, RecordID: 13858, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Buxton Pilea microphylla Artillery or gunpowder plant Urticaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21964, RecordID: 14830, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pilea microphylla Artillery or gunpowder plant Urticaceae (exo)
ImageID: 29478, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Clerodendrum paniculatum Fler pagoda Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26798, RecordID: 19817, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Clerodendrum paniculatum Fler pagoda Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26799, RecordID: 19817, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Clerodendrum paniculatum Fler pagoda Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 29567, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Clerodendrum philippinum Modestie Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 29568, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Clerodendrum philippinum Modestie Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11197, RecordID: 13870, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Clerodendrum serratum
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11198, RecordID: 13870, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Clerodendrum serratum
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11200, RecordID: 13870, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Val D'Endor Clerodendrum serratum
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23947, RecordID: , observed Author: Valmont, Patrick Location: Clerodendrum speciosissimum Glory bower, Modestie rouge Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2647, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Clerodendrum speciosissimum Glory bower, Modestie rouge Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2648, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Clerodendrum speciosissimum Glory bower, Modestie rouge Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2649, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Clerodendrum speciosissimum Glory bower, Modestie rouge Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23764, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23774, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52956, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26250, RecordID: 19274, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26720, RecordID: 19681, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26725, RecordID: 19681, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11610, RecordID: 13955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Clerodendrum wallichii
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11611, RecordID: 13955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Clerodendrum wallichii
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11612, RecordID: 13955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Clerodendrum wallichii
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53096, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Duranta erecta Golden dew drop Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53101, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Duranta erecta Golden dew drop Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23350, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Holmskioldia speciosa
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23351, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Holmskioldia speciosa
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53205, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Holmskioldia speciosa
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22140, RecordID: 14871, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Holmskioldia speciosa
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23511, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23718, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23673, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11479, RecordID: , observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11786, RecordID: 14620, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Persévérance Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21691, RecordID: 14726, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24462, RecordID: 17574, observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, La Gogue Lantana camara Lantana, Lerbe soulie, Vieille fille, Vyey fiy Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23581, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Petrea volubilis Petrea Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11710, RecordID: 14605, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Petrea volubilis Petrea Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11718, RecordID: 14605, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Petrea volubilis Petrea Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11722, RecordID: 14605, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Petrea volubilis Petrea Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23007, RecordID: 15169, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Epi-bleu queue de rat, Jamaican verveine, Verveine bleu Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23008, RecordID: 15169, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Major (= Anse Jasmin) Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Epi-bleu queue de rat, Jamaican verveine, Verveine bleu Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23067, RecordID: 15177, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Machabée Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Epi-bleu queue de rat, Jamaican verveine, Verveine bleu Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25205, RecordID: 18178, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Pointe La Varangue Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Epi-bleu queue de rat, Jamaican verveine, Verveine bleu Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 740, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Stachytarpheta urticifolia Epi-bleu, Nettle leaved verveine Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21695, RecordID: 14727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Stachytarpheta urticifolia Epi-bleu, Nettle leaved verveine Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21698, RecordID: 14727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Stachytarpheta urticifolia Epi-bleu, Nettle leaved verveine Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21700, RecordID: 14727, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sixpenny Hill Stachytarpheta urticifolia Epi-bleu, Nettle leaved verveine Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2714, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Tectona grandis Teak Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24476, RecordID: 15853, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Vitex doniana Bois mozambique Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21577, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21578, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21579, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21580, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21581, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21582, RecordID: 14696, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21653, RecordID: 14718, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21655, RecordID: 14718, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Police Bay Vitex trifolia Bois noux noux Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11215, RecordID: 13875, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cissus quadrangularis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11216, RecordID: 13875, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cissus quadrangularis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52941, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52942, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52946, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52947, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52595, RecordID: 21990, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52597, RecordID: 21990, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Cissus rotundifolia
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12074, RecordID: 14664, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Leea coccinea Red Leea Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12076, RecordID: 14664, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Leea coccinea Red Leea Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53276, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Leea guineensis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53277, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Leea guineensis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53278, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Leea guineensis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53279, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Leea guineensis
Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65185, RecordID: 22105, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Vitis vinifera Grapevine, Raisin, Vigne Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65186, RecordID: 22105, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Vitis vinifera Grapevine, Raisin, Vigne Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65187, RecordID: 22105, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Vitis vinifera Grapevine, Raisin, Vigne Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65191, RecordID: 22105, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Vitis vinifera Grapevine, Raisin, Vigne Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 65192, RecordID: 22105, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Canada (Beau Vallon) Vitis vinifera Grapevine, Raisin, Vigne Vitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26404, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Araucaria heterophylla Araucaria, Monkey puzzle, Norfolk island pine Araucariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26406, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Araucaria heterophylla Araucaria, Monkey puzzle, Norfolk island pine Araucariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26408, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Araucaria heterophylla Araucaria, Monkey puzzle, Norfolk island pine Araucariaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11618, RecordID: 13957, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Cupressus pendula Cypres Cupressaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11619, RecordID: 13957, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Cupressus pendula Cypres Cupressaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26603, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Cycas revoluta Sagou du Japon Cycadaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26604, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Cycas revoluta Sagou du Japon Cycadaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26734, RecordID: 19716, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 20254, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 20255, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 22248, RecordID: 14880, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 22249, RecordID: 14880, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 22250, RecordID: 14880, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 22251, RecordID: 14880, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cycas thouarsii False sago palm, Sagou palm Cycadaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 27036, RecordID: 20359, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Pinus caribaea Caribbean pine, Cuba pine Pinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27037, RecordID: 20359, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Pinus caribaea Caribbean pine, Cuba pine Pinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27039, RecordID: 20359, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Pinus caribaea Caribbean pine, Cuba pine Pinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25795, RecordID: 15194, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Zamia furfuracea Cardboard palm Zamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25798, RecordID: 15194, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Zamia furfuracea Cardboard palm Zamiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11417, RecordID: 13922, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Chlorophytum comosum Spider plant Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12014, RecordID: 14649, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cordyline fruticosa Chandelle rouge? Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20298, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Furcraea foetida Agave gros, Mauritius hemp Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25894, RecordID: 19143, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Furcraea foetida Agave gros, Mauritius hemp Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25895, RecordID: 19143, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, North East Point Furcraea foetida Agave gros, Mauritius hemp Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25903, RecordID: 19173, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Furcraea foetida Agave gros, Mauritius hemp Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25905, RecordID: 19173, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Du Nord Furcraea foetida Agave gros, Mauritius hemp Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53808, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Yucca aloifolia Yucca Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53809, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Yucca aloifolia Yucca Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11907, RecordID: 14641, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Crinum asiaticum Lis blanc Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11908, RecordID: 14641, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Crinum asiaticum Lis blanc Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11909, RecordID: 14641, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Crinum asiaticum Lis blanc Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11910, RecordID: 14641, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Crinum asiaticum Lis blanc Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53023, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Crinum jagus
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23384, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Crinum zeylanicum Lis st joseph Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23400, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Crinum zeylanicum Lis st joseph Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23402, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Crinum zeylanicum Lis st joseph Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23631, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Crinum zeylanicum Lis st joseph Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23395, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Hippeastrum puniceum Amaryllis, Fire lily, Lis rouge Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23398, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Hippeastrum puniceum Amaryllis, Fire lily, Lis rouge Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22925, RecordID: 15019, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hippeastrum puniceum Amaryllis, Fire lily, Lis rouge Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22926, RecordID: 15019, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hippeastrum puniceum Amaryllis, Fire lily, Lis rouge Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22928, RecordID: 15019, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hippeastrum puniceum Amaryllis, Fire lily, Lis rouge Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23416, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Hymenocallis littoralis Filmy lily, Lis belle de nuit, Spider lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23418, RecordID: , observed Author: Daniels, Joe Location: Hymenocallis littoralis Filmy lily, Lis belle de nuit, Spider lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11757, RecordID: 14614, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eden island Hymenocallis littoralis Filmy lily, Lis belle de nuit, Spider lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11698, RecordID: 14603, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hymenocallis speciosa
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23748, RecordID: , observed Author: Dunford, Mia Location: Proiphys amboinensis
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53519, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Proiphys amboinensis
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53525, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Proiphys amboinensis
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53526, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Proiphys amboinensis
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53638, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Scadoxus multiflorus Blood lily, Lis corail, Painters brush lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53639, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Scadoxus multiflorus Blood lily, Lis corail, Painters brush lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53643, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Scadoxus multiflorus Blood lily, Lis corail, Painters brush lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21835, RecordID: 2670, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Ile Platte (Coëtivy) Scadoxus multiflorus Blood lily, Lis corail, Painters brush lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23383, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Zephyranthes candida
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23408, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Zephyranthes candida
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11772, RecordID: 14616, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eden island Zephyranthes candida
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 2736, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Alocasia macrorrhizos Elephant ears, Tannia, Via, Vya Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 19996, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Alocasia macrorrhizos Elephant ears, Tannia, Via, Vya Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 11157, RecordID: 13859, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Elephant yam, Giant aroid, Saoule mouche, Soul mous Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 11160, RecordID: 13859, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Sans Souci Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Elephant yam, Giant aroid, Saoule mouche, Soul mous Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 12086, RecordID: 14658, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Elephant yam, Giant aroid, Saoule mouche, Soul mous Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 12088, RecordID: 14658, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Elephant yam, Giant aroid, Saoule mouche, Soul mous Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 52781, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Anthurium andraeanum
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 52782, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Anthurium andraeanum
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 23522, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 23642, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 23647, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 12323, RecordID: 14683, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 12324, RecordID: 14683, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 12326, RecordID: 14683, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 22071, RecordID: 14852, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 26776, RecordID: 19754, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Anthurium spp. Anthurium, Anthurium rouge Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 19998, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Caladium spp. Caladium grand feuille (C. bicolor), Caladium petit feuille (C. argyrites) Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 2641, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dieffenbachia seguine Bois tangue, Dumb cane, Via tangue Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 2735, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Dieffenbachia seguine Bois tangue, Dumb cane, Via tangue Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 2734, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Epipremnum pinnatum Centipede tongavine, Pothos Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 52624, RecordID: 22078, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Lemna perpusilla Duckweed Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 52628, RecordID: 22078, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Lemna perpusilla Duckweed Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 22521, RecordID: 14898, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Réduit Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 22523, RecordID: 14898, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Réduit Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 27783, RecordID: 21147, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 27785, RecordID: 21147, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 27786, RecordID: 21147, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 27788, RecordID: 21147, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 27789, RecordID: 21147, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Monstera deliciosa Monstera, Taro vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8628, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron erubescens
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8652, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron erubescens
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8655, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron erubescens
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8598, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron hederaceum Heart Leaf Philodendron, Heart Philodendron, Philodendron 'Brazil', Sweetheart plant, Velour Philodendron, Velvet Leaf Philode Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8614, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron hederaceum Heart Leaf Philodendron, Heart Philodendron, Philodendron 'Brazil', Sweetheart plant, Velour Philodendron, Velvet Leaf Philode Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 26721, RecordID: 19699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Philodendron hederaceum Heart Leaf Philodendron, Heart Philodendron, Philodendron 'Brazil', Sweetheart plant, Velour Philodendron, Velvet Leaf Philode Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 26724, RecordID: 19699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Philodendron hederaceum Heart Leaf Philodendron, Heart Philodendron, Philodendron 'Brazil', Sweetheart plant, Velour Philodendron, Velvet Leaf Philode Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8583, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Philodendron lacerum
Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 7328, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 7329, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 2733, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 8621, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 11087, RecordID: 13844, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 11088, RecordID: 13844, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 26745, RecordID: 19723, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead vine Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 18549, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Typhonodorum lindleyanum Water banana Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 23359, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Areca catechu Arequier, Betel palm, Coco pacques Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23451, RecordID: , observed Author: Location: Areca catechu Arequier, Betel palm, Coco pacques Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12255, RecordID: 15059, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Areca catechu Arequier, Betel palm, Coco pacques Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12256, RecordID: 15059, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Areca catechu Arequier, Betel palm, Coco pacques Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24072, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24074, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24075, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11984, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23679, RecordID: , observed Author: Vierling, Heike Location: Brahea edulis Guadalupe palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26693, RecordID: 19672, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Caryota urens Fish tailed palm, Indian wine palm, Toddy palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26694, RecordID: 19672, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Caryota urens Fish tailed palm, Indian wine palm, Toddy palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26695, RecordID: 19672, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, La Passe Caryota urens Fish tailed palm, Indian wine palm, Toddy palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52934, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Cane palm, Golden feather palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23363, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Cane palm, Golden feather palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23365, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Cane palm, Golden feather palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12023, RecordID: 14640, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Cane palm, Golden feather palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52935, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Chrysalidocarpus madagascariensis
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52936, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Chrysalidocarpus madagascariensis
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53065, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dictyosperma album
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53106, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11381, RecordID: 13902, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11382, RecordID: 13902, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12279, RecordID: 15063, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12280, RecordID: 15063, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 18682, RecordID: 14684, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Bottle palm, Round island palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 7416, RecordID: 14684, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Bottle palm, Round island palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53270, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Latania loddigesii Blue latan Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53274, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Latania loddigesii Blue latan Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26414, RecordID: 19666, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Latania verschaffeltii Yellow rattan Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26415, RecordID: 19666, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Latania verschaffeltii Yellow rattan Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23532, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Licuala spinosa
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21620, RecordID: 14707, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Licuala spinosa
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22059, RecordID: 14850, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Licuala spinosa
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22065, RecordID: 14850, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Licuala spinosa
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12046, RecordID: 14655, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Livistona chinensis
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12048, RecordID: 14655, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Livistona chinensis
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12050, RecordID: 14655, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Livistona chinensis
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26410, RecordID: 19665, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Phoenix dactylifera Date palm, Datt, Dattier Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26412, RecordID: 19665, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Phoenix dactylifera Date palm, Datt, Dattier Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26413, RecordID: 19665, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Phoenix dactylifera Date palm, Datt, Dattier Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26246, RecordID: 19273, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Phoenix loureirii
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26247, RecordID: 19273, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Phoenix loureirii
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26249, RecordID: 19273, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Grand Anse (Praslin Central) Phoenix loureirii
Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11898, RecordID: 14639, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ptychosperma macarthurii Hurricane or macarthur palm, Tire couyon Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11901, RecordID: 14639, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ptychosperma macarthurii Hurricane or macarthur palm, Tire couyon Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52623, RecordID: 22058, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Ptychosperma macarthurii Hurricane or macarthur palm, Tire couyon Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24731, RecordID: 17560, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Raphia farinifera Raffia Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24736, RecordID: 17560, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Raphia farinifera Raffia Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24737, RecordID: 17560, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Raphia farinifera Raffia Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24738, RecordID: 17560, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Pointe Au Sel Raphia farinifera Raffia Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23678, RecordID: , observed Author: Vierling, Heike Location: Rhapis excelsa Bamboo palm, Broad leaf lady palm, Dwarf ground rattan, Fern rhapis Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23810, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Roystonea regia Royal palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21803, RecordID: 14741, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Roystonea regia Royal palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12281, RecordID: 15145, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sabal minor Bush palmetto, Dwarf palmetto Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21573, RecordID: 14695, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Syagrus romanzzoffiana Queen palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21576, RecordID: 14695, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Syagrus romanzzoffiana Queen palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21597, RecordID: 14702, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Syagrus romanzzoffiana Queen palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21598, RecordID: 14702, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Syagrus romanzzoffiana Queen palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21606, RecordID: 14702, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Syagrus romanzzoffiana Queen palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27778, RecordID: 21146, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Asparagus setaceus Asparagus fern, Fougere marriage, Liane asperge Asparagaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27780, RecordID: 21146, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mare Anglaise Asparagus setaceus Asparagus fern, Fougere marriage, Liane asperge Asparagaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23978, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Ananas comosus Ananas, Ananas marron, Pineapple Bromeliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52723, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Conception Ananas comosus Ananas, Ananas marron, Pineapple Bromeliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 4507, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Ananas comosus Ananas, Ananas marron, Pineapple Bromeliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22257, RecordID: 15127, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Ananas comosus Ananas, Ananas marron, Pineapple Bromeliaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23377, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Canna hybrids
Cannaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23380, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Canna hybrids
Cannaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23378, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Canna hybrids
Cannaceae (exo)
ImageID: 54009, RecordID: , observed Author: Caillot, Caroline Location: Silhouette, La Passe Village Gloriosa superba Gloriosa, Glory lily Colchicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53157, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Gloriosa superba Gloriosa, Glory lily Colchicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53158, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Gloriosa superba Gloriosa, Glory lily Colchicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11032, RecordID: 13850, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Gloriosa superba Gloriosa, Glory lily Colchicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11138, RecordID: 13850, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Gloriosa superba Gloriosa, Glory lily Colchicaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25840, RecordID: 19129, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Callisia fragrans Basket Plant Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25841, RecordID: 19129, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Callisia fragrans Basket Plant Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25842, RecordID: 19129, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Fleuri Callisia fragrans Basket Plant Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21903, RecordID: 2623, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Coëtivy Commelina benghalensis Herbe cochon, L'herbe cochon grand feuilles Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21904, RecordID: 2626, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Ile du Nord Commelina diffusa L'herbe cochon Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21905, RecordID: 2626, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Ile du Nord Commelina diffusa L'herbe cochon Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21906, RecordID: 2627, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Poivre Commelina salicifolia Herbe cochon Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21907, RecordID: 2627, specimen Author: Robertson, S.A. Location: Poivre Commelina salicifolia Herbe cochon Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11383, RecordID: 13903, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Tradescantia spathacea Adam and eve, Boat lily, Corbeille de moise, Oyster plant Commelinaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23780, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23496, RecordID: , observed Author: Oliaji, Shireen Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23497, RecordID: , observed Author: Oliaji, Shireen Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23111, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23114, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23116, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11036, RecordID: 13852, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11038, RecordID: 13852, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11257, RecordID: 13892, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22012, RecordID: 14840, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22013, RecordID: 14840, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22024, RecordID: 14843, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Dioscorea alata Asiatic or white yam, Asiatic yam, Cambare, Greater, Water, White yam, Winged Dioscoreaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22026, RecordID: 14843, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Dioscorea alata Asiatic or white yam, Asiatic yam, Cambare, Greater, Water, White yam, Winged Dioscoreaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53081, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dioscorea bulbifera Aerial yam, Mons aux rats, Mor-o-lera, Pomme edouard, Potato or aerial yam, Potato yam Dioscoreaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53082, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dioscorea bulbifera Aerial yam, Mons aux rats, Mor-o-lera, Pomme edouard, Potato or aerial yam, Potato yam Dioscoreaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53084, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Dioscorea bulbifera Aerial yam, Mons aux rats, Mor-o-lera, Pomme edouard, Potato or aerial yam, Potato yam Dioscoreaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53171, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Heliconia latispatha
Heliconiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53173, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Heliconia latispatha
Heliconiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23151, RecordID: , observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Heliconia psittacorum Parrot flower Heliconiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26737, RecordID: 19719, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Heliconia rostrata Hanging lobster claw Heliconiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26738, RecordID: 19719, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Heliconia rostrata Hanging lobster claw Heliconiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23767, RecordID: , observed Author: Krampah, Joan Location: Neomarica longifolia
Iridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53767, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Neomarica longifolia
Iridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11244, RecordID: 13873, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Seychelles International Airport Neomarica longifolia
Iridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11419, RecordID: 13923, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Neomarica longifolia
Iridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11263, RecordID: 13895, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Maranta arundinacea Arouroute, Arrowroot Marantaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11264, RecordID: 13895, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Maranta arundinacea Arouroute, Arrowroot Marantaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23381, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Musa spp. Banana, Banana tree, Bananier, Plantain, Pye banann Musaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23382, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Musa spp. Banana, Banana tree, Bananier, Plantain, Pye banann Musaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53377, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Musa spp. Banana, Banana tree, Bananier, Plantain, Pye banann Musaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23369, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Mahé Arachnis maingayi Scorpion orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23370, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Mahé Arachnis maingayi Scorpion orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22737, RecordID: 14978, observed Author: Labiche-Barreau, Nicole Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge extrême Est Dendrobium crumenatum Pigeon orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24530, RecordID: 15612, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Dendrobium crumenatum Pigeon orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23575, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Spathoglottis plicata Lorkide koko, Palm orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23577, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Spathoglottis plicata Lorkide koko, Palm orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53672, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Spathoglottis plicata Lorkide koko, Palm orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23863, RecordID: , observed Author: Valmont, Patrick Location: Spathoglottis plicata Lorkide koko, Palm orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6539, RecordID: 11124, observed Author: Renguet, Laurie Location: Mahé, Glacis Sarcelle Spathoglottis plicata Lorkide koko, Palm orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 1878, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Vanilla planifolia Lavannir, Vanilla Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22291, RecordID: 14884, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Vanilla planifolia Lavannir, Vanilla Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11116, RecordID: 13849, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Pandanus utilis Useful pandanus, Vacoa corde, Vacoa de pays, Vacoa sac Pandanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11118, RecordID: 13849, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Pandanus utilis Useful pandanus, Vacoa corde, Vacoa de pays, Vacoa sac Pandanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27673, RecordID: 20793, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Pandanus utilis Useful pandanus, Vacoa corde, Vacoa de pays, Vacoa sac Pandanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27674, RecordID: 20793, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Marianne Pandanus utilis Useful pandanus, Vacoa corde, Vacoa de pays, Vacoa sac Pandanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25966, RecordID: 3727, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Arundo donax
Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 291, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Bambusa arundinacea Bamboo, Bambou Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21603, RecordID: 14704, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Bambusa vulgaris Bambou jaune Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21604, RecordID: 14704, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Bambusa vulgaris Bambou jaune Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21957, RecordID: 14704, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Bambusa vulgaris Bambou jaune Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26417, RecordID: 19638, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Bambusa vulgaris Bambou jaune Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26418, RecordID: 19638, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Ile au Cerf Bambusa vulgaris Bambou jaune Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23952, RecordID: , observed Author: Banane, Jacqueline Location: Chrysopogon zizanioides Cuscus, Vetiver Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25993, RecordID: 3791, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Glacis Eragrostis tenella
Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25994, RecordID: 3796, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Eragrostis tenella
Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11370, RecordID: 13899, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Panicum maximum Fatak, Fataque, Guinea grass, Herbe de Guinée Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11371, RecordID: 13899, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Panicum maximum Fatak, Fataque, Guinea grass, Herbe de Guinée Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11374, RecordID: 13899, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Panicum maximum Fatak, Fataque, Guinea grass, Herbe de Guinée Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26004, RecordID: 3862, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Panicum repens Calume, Herbe calume, Herbe siflette Poaceae (exo, LC)
ImageID: 26020, RecordID: 3955, specimen Author: Location: Mahé, Val Riche Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24552, RecordID: 15639, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24553, RecordID: 15639, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24555, RecordID: 15639, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24563, RecordID: 15639, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23792, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth Pontederiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23793, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location: Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth Pontederiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11894, RecordID: 14637, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sansevieria thyrsiflora Sanseveria Ruscaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11895, RecordID: 14637, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sansevieria thyrsiflora Sanseveria Ruscaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53629, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Sansevieria trifasciata Mother in law's tongue Ruscaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53630, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Sansevieria trifasciata Mother in law's tongue Ruscaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22909, RecordID: 15015, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Sainte-Anne Sansevieria trifasciata Mother in law's tongue Ruscaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53589, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Ravenala madagascariensis Banane voyageur, Palmier de voyageur, Traveller's palm Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6933, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette Ravenala madagascariensis Banane voyageur, Palmier de voyageur, Traveller's palm Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6934, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette Ravenala madagascariensis Banane voyageur, Palmier de voyageur, Traveller's palm Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24557, RecordID: 15643, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise, Crown bird flower Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24558, RecordID: 15643, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise, Crown bird flower Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20029, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Alpinia purpurata
Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21601, RecordID: 14703, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Alpinia purpurata
Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 18544, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Alpinia zerumbet Shell ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23498, RecordID: , observed Author: Oliaji, Shireen Location: Amomum magnificum Langouze, Torch ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21610, RecordID: 14705, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Amomum magnificum Langouze, Torch ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21613, RecordID: 14705, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Amomum magnificum Langouze, Torch ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21614, RecordID: 14705, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Amomum magnificum Langouze, Torch ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3486, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elettaria cardamomum Cardamon Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3488, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elettaria cardamomum Cardamon Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3489, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elettaria cardamomum Cardamon Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11255, RecordID: 13891, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Hedychium coronarium Ginger lily, Mon ame Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11256, RecordID: 13891, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Hedychium coronarium Ginger lily, Mon ame Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23590, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Zingiber zerumbet Wild ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11260, RecordID: 13893, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Zingiber zerumbet Wild ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22014, RecordID: 14841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22015, RecordID: 14841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22018, RecordID: 14841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22019, RecordID: 14841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26779, RecordID: 19755, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27018, RecordID: 20244, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Dauban Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27020, RecordID: 20244, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Dauban Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27023, RecordID: 20245, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Dauban Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 27024, RecordID: 20245, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Dauban Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginellaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22930, RecordID: 15020, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Blechnum gibbum Dwarf tree fern Blechnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26771, RecordID: 19751, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Blechnum gibbum Dwarf tree fern Blechnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26773, RecordID: 19751, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Blechnum gibbum Dwarf tree fern Blechnaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8596, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lygodium japonicum Japanese climbing fern Lygodiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5869, RecordID: 3099, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Cascade Lygodium japonicum Japanese climbing fern Lygodiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8627, RecordID: 2385, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Pyrrosia niphoboloides
Polypodiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3337, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Adiantum capillus-veneris
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5811, RecordID: 14783, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Adiantum capillus-veneris
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21562, RecordID: 13760, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Adiantum hispidulum
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21563, RecordID: 13760, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Adiantum hispidulum
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21557, RecordID: 13759, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21590, RecordID: 14699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21591, RecordID: 14699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21592, RecordID: 14699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26775, RecordID: 19753, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21982, RecordID: 14834, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pellaea viridis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21983, RecordID: 14834, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pellaea viridis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21984, RecordID: 14834, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pellaea viridis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21985, RecordID: 14834, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pellaea viridis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 29730, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5802, RecordID: 3534, specimen Author: Jeffrey, Charles Location: Mahé, Souvenir Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3227, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3228, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52408, RecordID: 21954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52411, RecordID: 21954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Pityrogramma calomelanos Fouzer tatou Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21962, RecordID: 14829, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pteris cretica
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21989, RecordID: 14836, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pteris cretica
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53560, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53561, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Pteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21595, RecordID: 14701, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pteris quadriaurita
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22042, RecordID: 14847, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Pteris quadriaurita
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22043, RecordID: 14847, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Pteris quadriaurita
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26774, RecordID: 19752, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: La Digue, Belle Vue (LD.) Pteris quadriaurita
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 10375, RecordID: 3538, specimen Author: Location: Praslin, Vallée De Mai Pteris quadriaurita
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21987, RecordID: 14835, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Pteris vittata
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22047, RecordID: 14848, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Pteris vittata
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22050, RecordID: 14848, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Pteris vittata
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22123, RecordID: 14866, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Dans Bernard Pteris vittata
Pteridaceae (exo)