Seychelles Plant Gallery - Best photos
To search for names (Creole or scientific) use 'Ctrl + f' and type the searched name.
Abbreviations: end = endemic; ind = indigenous; exo = exotic; LC = Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically endangered
ImageID: 27270, RecordID: , observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location:
ImageID: 23789, RecordID: , observed Author: Kumar, Senthil Location:
ImageID: 22022, RecordID: 14842, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Brillantaisia owariensis
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12057, RecordID: 14660, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Curio road Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22183, RecordID: 14875, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22284, RecordID: 14882, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Justicia gendarussa Ayapana sauvage, Lapsouli, Natchouli Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12028, RecordID: 14654, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Brazilian Red Cloak Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12100, RecordID: 14665, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Odontonema cuspidatum
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24997, RecordID: 2129, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 24998, RecordID: 2129, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Dans Mapou Pseuderanthemum subviscosum
Acanthaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 11913, RecordID: 14642, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sanchezia parvibracteata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12035, RecordID: 14642, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Sanchezia parvibracteata
Acanthaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24045, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location:
Annonaceae ()
ImageID: 11390, RecordID: 13905, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Allamanda cathartica Alamanda jaune, Alamanda jaune grand, Alamanda zonn Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11587, RecordID: 13946, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Alstonia macrophylla Bois jaune, Bwa zonn, Devil tree Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24959, RecordID: 17890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Carissa spinarum Bois l'encens, Bois sandal, Sandal Apocynaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 24961, RecordID: 17890, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Grande Rivière Carissa spinarum Bois l'encens, Bois sandal, Sandal Apocynaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 53046, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Cynanchum callialatum
Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53501, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Plumeria rubra Frangipane rouge Apocynaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53635, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Sarcostemma viminale Lalyann sanfey, Liane cale, Liane sans feuilles Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30338, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Tabernaemontana coffeoides Bois cuiller, Bois cuillère, Bois de lait, Bwa kwiyer Apocynaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30298, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30300, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Polyscias crassa Bois banane, Bwa bannann Araliaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21628, RecordID: 14710, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse La Mouche Aristolochia elegans Dutchman's pipe, Pti kanar Aristolochiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23389, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Cosmos sulphureus
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 23391, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Cosmos sulphureus
Asteraceae (exo)
ImageID: 28873, RecordID: , observed Author: Talma, Elke Location: Gynura sechellensis Bois chevre, Jacobet marron Asteraceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25651, RecordID: 19123, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Impatiens gordonii Balsamine sauvage Balsaminaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 24078, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Begonia humilis Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24468, RecordID: 15468, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Roche Pilon Begonia ulmifolia Begonia sauvage Begoniaceae (exo)
ImageID: 5087, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Heliotropium indicum Herbe papillon Boraginaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23429, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location:
Cactaceae ()
ImageID: 8639, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Quisqualis indica Chinese honeysuckle, Lalyann vermiuz, Liane vermifuge, Orientale, Rangoon creeper, Santonine Combretaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53762, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Trichosanthes cucumerina Patole, Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30284, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Dillenia ferruginea Bois rouge Dilleniaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 30290, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Erythroxylum sechellarum Bois de ronde, Café marron petite feuille, Kafe maron pti fey Erythroxylaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 20030, RecordID: , observed Author: Gabriel-Senterre, Françoise Location: Acalypha hispida Queue de chatte, Queue de mimi, Red hot cat's tails Euphorbiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8533, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Euphorbia pyrifolia Bois de lait, Bwa dile, Fangame, Faudamon, Tanghin, Tanghin rouge, Tonga Euphorbiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25718, RecordID: 18969, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Acacia pennata
Fabaceae (ind, CR)
ImageID: 23621, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Calliandra haematocephala
Fabaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23028, RecordID: 15174, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Capucins Vigna marina Pois marron, Shore bean Fabaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23723, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location:
Gesneriaceae ()
ImageID: 25809, RecordID: 18982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25716, RecordID: 18982, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Achyrospermum sechellarum Bwa sevret Lamiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 26199, RecordID: 19236, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Cassytha filiformis Dodder, Liane sans fin Lauraceae (ind)
ImageID: 23342, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Barringtonia asiatica Bonnen kare bor-d-mer, Bonnet carre bord mer, Bonnet carré bord-de-mer, Fish poison tree Lecythidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23701, RecordID: , observed Author: Fonseka, Lushanti Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24062, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24058, RecordID: , observed Author: Valmont, Patrick Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 20250, RecordID: , observed Author: Barbier, Nicolas Location: Couroupita guianensis Canon ball tree Lecythidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21781, RecordID: 14737, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Foulsapate, Hibiscus, Hibiscus rose Malvaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11056, RecordID: 13839, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Thespesia populnea Bois de rose, Bwa-d-roz, Portia tree Malvaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30307, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Medusagyne oppositifolia Bois medus, Bwa mediz, Jellyfish tree Medusagynaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27861, RecordID: 21093, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Memecylon elaeagni Bois calou, Bwa kalou Melastomataceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 11090, RecordID: 13830, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Petit Marie-Louise Eugenia uniflora Pitanga cherry, RoussaiIle, Surinam cherry Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11829, RecordID: 14630, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajaput, Cayapouti, Punk tree Myrtaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30337, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Syzygium wrightii Bois de pomme, Bwa ponm, Bwa-d-ponm Myrtaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 23879, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30314, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 6718, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Nepenthes pervillei Liane pot à eau, Pitcher plant Nepenthaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25806, RecordID: 18954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25705, RecordID: 18954, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Pisonia sechellarum Mapou de gran bwa Nyctaginaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 23542, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23544, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Rosa spp. Rose, Rosier Rosaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30278, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Craterispermum microdon Bois doux Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 30302, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Glionnetia sericea Manglier de grand bois, Mangliye-d-gran-bwa Rubiaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 11048, RecordID: 13837, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Guettarda speciosa Beach gardenia, Bois cassant bord mer, Bois cassant bord-de-mer, Bwa cassan bor-d-mer Rubiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 30303, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30306, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Ixora pudica Ixora blanc Rubiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11621, RecordID: 13958, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cascade Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussenda Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 8632, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mussaenda frondosa
Rubiaceae (exo)
ImageID: 25149, RecordID: 18118, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Psathura sechellarum Bois cassant petit feuille, Bois couleuvre Rubiaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 27912, RecordID: 21137, observed Author: Gendron, Gilberte Location: Mahé, Anse Jasmin Estate Viscum triflorum Bois mamaille, Bois marmaille, Gui du pays Santalaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 52611, RecordID: 22038, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Cap Ternay Estate Mimusops coriacea Pomme jacko, Pomme jacot Sapotaceae (exo)
ImageID: 30312, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Mimusops sechellarum Bois de natte Sapotaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 405, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 4560, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Northea seychellana Capucin, Kapisen Sapotaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30334, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 30335, RecordID: , observed Author: Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher Location: Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 11579, RecordID: 13949, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Sébert Soulamea terminalioides Colophante Simaroubaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 24048, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Germaine Location: Solandra longiflora
Solanaceae (exo)
ImageID: 52897, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Camellia sinensis Tea, Thé Theaceae (exo)
ImageID: 53773, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Turnera angustifolia
Turneraceae (exo)
ImageID: 52956, RecordID: , observed Author: Morel, Charles Location: Clerodendrum thomsonae Bleeding heart vine, Coeur de jesus Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23350, RecordID: , observed Author: Mason-Parker, Christopher Location: Holmskioldia speciosa
Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11710, RecordID: 14605, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Petrea volubilis Petrea Verbenaceae (exo)
ImageID: 12014, RecordID: 14649, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Cordyline fruticosa Chandelle rouge? Agavaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11757, RecordID: 14614, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Eden island Hymenocallis littoralis Filmy lily, Lis belle de nuit, Spider lily Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11698, RecordID: 14603, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Beau Vallon Hymenocallis speciosa
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23383, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Zephyranthes candida
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23408, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Zephyranthes candida
Amaryllidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21952, RecordID: 14827, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Araceae
Araceae ()
ImageID: 12088, RecordID: 14658, observed Author: Dufrenne, André Location: Sainte-Anne Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Elephant yam, Giant aroid, Saoule mouche, Soul mous Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 4581, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Protarum sechellarum Arouroute de linde marron Araceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 18549, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Typhonodorum lindleyanum Water banana Araceae (exo)
ImageID: 24072, RecordID: , observed Author: Thelermont, Steve Location: Borassus flabellifer Palmyra Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11382, RecordID: 13902, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Victoria Elaeis guineensis Palm oil palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23404, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 23406, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18497, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18499, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 18500, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 7832, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Lodoicea maldivica Coco de mer, Coco-de-mer, Double coconut, Koko-d-mer Arecaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4794, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Phoenicophorium borsigianum Latanier feuille, Latannyen fey, Thief palm Arecaceae (end, LC)
ImageID: 23810, RecordID: , observed Author: Laurence, Anthea\\Denis, Annabelle\\Joseph, Wilnette Location: Roystonea regia Royal palm Arecaceae (exo)
ImageID: 11257, RecordID: 13892, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Petit Paris Costus speciosus Spiral ginger Costaceae (exo)
ImageID: 28316, RecordID: 20666, specimen Author: Morel, Charles Location: Mahé, Pérard Costularia sp. nov. 1
Cyperaceae (end)
ImageID: 26213, RecordID: 19238, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Schoenoplectus mucronatus
Cyperaceae ()
ImageID: 11050, RecordID: 13838, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Anse Marie-Louise (M.) Tacca leontopetaloides Arouroute de france, Tavolo, Tavoul Dioscoreaceae (ind)
ImageID: 23385, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location:
Musaceae ()
ImageID: 23399, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location:
Musaceae ()
ImageID: 23403, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location:
Musaceae ()
ImageID: 23381, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Musa spp. Banana, Banana tree, Bananier, Plantain, Pye banann Musaceae (exo)
ImageID: 23382, RecordID: , observed Author: Hortence, Bettina Location: Musa spp. Banana, Banana tree, Bananier, Plantain, Pye banann Musaceae (exo)
ImageID: 24693, RecordID: 15841, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Piton de L'Eboulis (= Castle Peak) Agrostophyllum occidentale
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 23369, RecordID: , observed Author: Allen, Emily Location: Mahé Arachnis maingayi Scorpion orchid Orchidaceae (exo)
ImageID: 4470, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Cynorkis fastigiata
Orchidaceae (ind, NT)
ImageID: 25749, RecordID: 19004, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 1834, RecordID: , observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Goodyera sechellarum
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 4567, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Hederorkis seychellensis
Orchidaceae (end, EN)
ImageID: 52476, RecordID: 21961, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Morne Blanc Malaxis seychellarum
Orchidaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25737, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25740, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 25820, RecordID: 19126, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Machabée (S.) Oeceoclades pulchra
Orchidaceae (ind, EN)
ImageID: 26283, RecordID: 19341, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Oeoniella aphrodite
Orchidaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25661, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25663, RecordID: 19125, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Jardin Marron Phaius tetragonus
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25814, RecordID: 18966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 25721, RecordID: 18966, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Platylepis occulta
Orchidaceae (ind, VU)
ImageID: 7513, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Pandanus sechellarum Seychelles pandanus, Vacoa marron, Vakwa maron Pandanaceae (end, NT)
ImageID: 24809, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location:
Poaceae ()
ImageID: 24553, RecordID: 15639, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Rivière Nageon Thysanolaena maxima Bambou de chine, Tiger grass Poaceae (exo)
ImageID: 6934, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette Ravenala madagascariensis Banane voyageur, Palmier de voyageur, Traveller's palm Strelitziaceae (exo)
ImageID: 18544, RecordID: , observed Author: Dejonghe, Benoît Location: Alpinia zerumbet Shell ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 21610, RecordID: 14705, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Amomum magnificum Langouze, Torch ginger Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 3486, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Elettaria cardamomum Cardamon Zingiberaceae (exo)
ImageID: 7387, RecordID: 1784, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Montagne Brulée Huperzia squarrosa
Lycopodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 26210, RecordID: 19269, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Plaine Hollandaise Lycopodiella cernua var. seychellarum Fougère mariage, Fouzer mariaz Lycopodiaceae (end)
ImageID: 21999, RecordID: 14838, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Selaginella
Selaginellaceae ()
ImageID: 25785, RecordID: 19078, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Rivière Quatre Cent Asplenium aethiopicum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25692, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25812, RecordID: 18955, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium complanatum
Aspleniaceae (end, CR)
ImageID: 25673, RecordID: 18950, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Asplenium paucijugum
Aspleniaceae (ind)
ImageID: 24660, RecordID: 15726, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Varigault Diplazium sechellarum
Athyriaceae (end)
ImageID: 27046, RecordID: 20362, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Cyathea sechellarum Fanzan Cyatheaceae (end)
ImageID: 4520, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Davallia pedata
Davalliaceae (ind)
ImageID: 4313, RecordID: , observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Crepidomanes minutum var. mascarenensis
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 3743, RecordID: 13768, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Mont Cotton Didymoglossum rotundifolium
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 8249, RecordID: 2024, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Trois Frères Sud Hymenophyllum digitatum
Hymenophyllaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6728, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5295, RecordID: 14686, observed Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Montagne Planneau (= Mont Harrison) Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 27001, RecordID: 20040, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Angiopteris madagascariensis Baton monsennyer Marattiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 5456, RecordID: 13798, specimen Author: Fabre, Isabelle Location: Mahé, Varigault Ptisana laboudalloniana Pti baton monsenyer Marattiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 25140, RecordID: 18085, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Oleandra annetii
Oleandraceae (ind)
ImageID: 2412, RecordID: 12258, observed Author: Elzein, Hicham Location: Mahé, Congo Rouge Est Ceradenia sechellarum
Polypodiaceae (end, VU)
ImageID: 21727, RecordID: 2433, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Mont Jasmin Grammitis pygmaea
Polypodiaceae (ind)
ImageID: 21592, RecordID: 14699, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol Adiantum trapeziforme
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 26293, RecordID: 19348, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Praslin, Rivière La Prude Antrophyum boryanum
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25331, RecordID: 18318, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Gratte Fesse Antrophyum callifolium
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 7361, RecordID: , observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Haplopteris ensiformis
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 6860, RecordID: 1527, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mon Plaisir (S.) Haplopteris scolopendrina
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25817, RecordID: 18998, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Pot à Eau Haplopteris zosterifolia
Pteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 22047, RecordID: 14848, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Le Niol, Réservoir Pteris vittata
Pteridaceae (exo)
ImageID: 22282, RecordID: 14881, observed Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Mahé, Grand Anse (M.) Sphaerostephanos unitus
Thelypteridaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25144, RecordID: 18124, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Silhouette, Mont Dauban Est Pleurozia gigantea
Pleuroziaceae (ind)
ImageID: 25564, RecordID: 18940, specimen Author: Senterre, Bruno Location: Félicité, Fond Bourgeois Fungus